Walking took nothing more than the movement of my feet, allowing my mind to wander to other things. Such as my other family. Zayn, Doniya, Waliyha, Safaa, and Patricia. Did they know their father? Our father? What have I ever done to have been given up so easily. I mean, clearly it must've been easy on her because she didn't even take the time to say a proper good bye. I know I was only just a baby, but some sympathy would've sufficed.
I started to think of the offer of Zayn wanting to fly me to the UK. I want to go, simply because I need the answers and if I do have other siblings, it'd be nice to see them. But the part of me thats denying is the part that is angry with Patricia. My whole life could've been so different, I wouldn't feel so alone, facing the horrors of life. I would've felt loved unconditionally and without hesitation. I would've had a family I know I deserve.
Being a family with my parents now, it wasn't like how I pictured others. Even Jackson, with his grandparents for guardians, lived a better family life than I ever did. With my little family, they raised me but I became something totally opposite of what they taught me. Money didn't guide my life; I did. They couldn't say the same for themselves.
And if they wanted me so bad as a baby, why try to raise me to be something that even I would hate?
But at least they wanted me.
...But I wasn't theirs. I still, legally, belonged to Patricia. My birth documents still in her hands.
My phone that I forgot was in my pocket, beeped once to let me know I had a new message. I pulled it out from my pocket and slid the lock across the screen, revealing a text from a number that wasn't saved into my phone.
''Hey, Marley. It's Edward. Martin gave me your number to check on how things are going. He told me you were going to ask them, so are you okay?''
I pulled up the keyboard and typed a quick message back to him.
''I'm fine.'' A woman's biggest lie tied up into two words.
I walked aimlessly while I wandered, not really having anywhere to go, in mind. I don't know if my parents are looking for me now, or giving me the space I need but everything seemed quiet. Or, as quiet as Florida could be after the sun goes down. My phone alarmed me with another beep.
''Are you home?''
''No.'' I kept my phone in my hand incase of any other texts.
I regretted not grabbing my coat at the front door as I crossed my arms over my chest. It wasn't cold, but this tank top was meant for inside, it being tight-comfortable fitted and just a bit small. I liked it, though.
Another beep.
''Would you like company?''
Would I? I think it'd be better to deal with this alone. I mean, I only actually just met him today. But, because of all the drama, I guess I feel as if I've known him for a while. And, I could use a mental release.
''Sure, where are you now?''
''Just finished up at work. Alyssa and I were going home since there wasn't much else to do.''
''If you'd like to go home, you can.''
I huffed and sat down on a park bench, not really paying attention to what park I was actually in. It felt as if I was walking for quite a while.
''Home is so overrated. Where are you?''
''In a park, somewhere.''
''That is the most detailed location ever.''
I rolled my eyes. ''Around the block from the marine park, smart ass.''
''Lmao, coincidence? I think not.''
Zayn Malik's Long Lost Sister (Unedited)
FanfictionMarley is a young girl who, after 16 years, finally has the answers to the questions she had asked, her whole life. Can she accept it? ... Will someone show her enough love that she'll stay on the journey to know all that's been hidden from her?