Contest 21 (Open)

116 7 20

Here's another contest. Make a cover keeping in mind the following.

Name of the book: Scars Left
Genre: Mystery and Romance
Subtitle: None
Deadline: When I have around 20 entries. I will inform you guys a dat before the contest is closed.


1. Your username in a small font along with Skygazer1 on the cover.

3. Comment "waffles" and "joining" and tag any two people that might wanna join this contest. If this is missing, I might not accept your entry.

2. A picture of a brown haired and eyed girl on the cover, but not one that belongs to a known actress. The brown hair and eyes don't necessary have to be visible, but it would be great if it is.

Optional but appreciated:

1. An overlay effect.

2. A vague cover which hints towards mystery.


So, this is actually on a book I am writing. If your cover is beautiful, I would want to use it if I have your permission to do so. If you wanna more about the story, you can go ahead and read it.

Here is the summary. It might help you make the cover:


A boy with beautiful grey eyes. A girl with a beautiful view about the world. A dead girl with a beautiful secret. A beautiful mystery to solve.

A typical story of girl meets a guy. The only thing unique about this situation is he is about to suicide. She doesn't stop him neither does she tell him to not do it. She sits down next to him saying that even if he was alone during his life, he will have her while he goes away. But is lonliness the only reason people do something as harsh as this? Not really. The reason behind the guy's decision are entirely different.

One chance, is all the girl asks from him and changes his mind about dying...but the reason for this change is something he loves more than love...mystery. The mystery behind the death of a girl wraps him up and changes his world.

"He almost blended into the dark, but his eyes stood out. His eyes, due to my lack of a better word, were grey. But they weren't just a grey, that term was far too plain in comparison. His eyes were like the ash remnants of the roaring fire, but there was a slight red in them. Red, like someone was trying to light a fire within those eyes and trying to burn away even the remaining ashes. And the grey that looked like a storm- like the storm within his mind. But of course, I couldn't really do justice to them- how could you describe such beautiful pieces of art. Such masterpieces? "


This is me shamelessly advertising but it would be great if you could check out the book.

Cover Contest (OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now