he can sing?

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~~Jason's POV~~

I was drunk as hell, and then I remembered that at 12:00 was going to be karaoke time, 'Shit' I thought. i love to sing, but I was drunk and I was probably going to sing in front of the hole party.

I couldn't help it so I drank more and more now I was wasted. Part of me wanted to pass out so I didn't have to sing in front of everyone, but part of me wanted to stay awake so I could sing.

The clock hit 12:00 and people started to sign up to sing. You had to put your name and the song you wanted to sing. You could sign up as many times as you would like. I tried to just sit down, but being the dumbass I am I got up and signed up. 'FUCK!!!!!'

~~your POV~~

"Are you signing up?" I asked. Damian.

"I don't know, are you?" He asked.

"I think so, better go sign up." You said getting up and standing in line.

After I signed up I sat down at the table were all of the Titans sat down.

"Did you guys sign up?" I asked them. They all nodded.

"Did you." Star Fire asked me.


A few minutes later it was my turn to go sing, I had picked a song that I really liked.

I sang the song and when I was done almost everyone cheered for me and If they didn't cheer, it was probably because they were in shock.

After a hole lot of singing from every body else, it came down to two more songs before Jason's cake. I was very surprised when I saw Jason get on stage.

"He can sing?" I asked Tim in shock.

"Yeah, but he has never sung in front of anybody before. I just herd him once while I went to call him for dinner, he's really good." Tim explained.

"Oh." I said while looking at Jason.

"Before I start I would like to call a special someone up on stage to help me with this one." Jay said signaling me to go and sing with him.

I got up on stage and jay showed me what the song was, I knew the song by heart so it was going to be easy.

"[N/N] here is the best, she even gave me a car as a present, a mother fucking car, bitches!" He said and everyone erupted in laugher.

"Start the music Roy!" Jay said.

The hole time jay singed He was dancing around. He looked at the audience once in a while, but he mostly looked at me.

The song ended and everyone cheered, I was actually amazed at how good he was.

"So you can sing." I told him while helping him get down from the stage.

"Yeah." He said like it was obvious.

Then the last song was going to be sung by Tim and Dick.

When their turn was over Alfred came in with a cute cake.

After Jason ate the hole cake by him self, Alfred brought the real cake for everyone to enjoy

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After Jason ate the hole cake by him self, Alfred brought the real cake for everyone to enjoy.

After Jason ate the hole cake by him self, Alfred brought the real cake for everyone to enjoy

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It was a really good cake. The party had actually turned out to be the best day of my life so far. And I even found out that Jason Todd could sing. It was awesome.
( chapter 5 guys! What do you think? I think it's complete shit, but  what else do you expect. This is me being an asshole and writing the worst book in history. Anyways, see you next time. Bye!!)

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