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~~Peter's POV~~

I'm going to meet [Y/N]'s father, I'm nervous. What if he doesn't like me? Worse, what if he doesn't let me stay?

"Calm down Peter, I'm sure my dad is going to let you stay."she said noticing that I was nervous.

"Ok" I said calming down.

We arrived at the kitchen, where a man was standing. The man was cooking something. [Y/N] walked to were he was.

"Hi, daddy!!!" She said. Hugging him from behind, the man turned around and hugged back.

"Hello, my beautiful angel." The man said, "who's your friend honey?"

"This is Peter Parker." She said walking towards me, "he's from another universe and needs help to get back."

"Ok?" The man said looking me over.

"He doesn't have a place to stay, daddy. So can he stay with us?"

"Well..." He said and my heart raised faster and faster.


"Sure, why not" my heart was filled with joy and relief.

~~Your POV~~

"Sure, why not" my father said, I ran back to him and thanked him.

"How long will he be staying?" My dad asked while cooking.

"I don't know, hopefully not too long." I said.

"Well, he can stay as long as he needs." Dad said looking at Peter. He looked at  me and leaned closer to me so he could whisper in my ear.

"Don't tell him anything about your past. Mentioning your mother's real name is also forbidden, unless you really need to tell him. Ok?" He whispered. And I nodded.

"Now, you guys go do something fun while I finish cooking. Ethan will get you when it's ready." My dad said and we both walked back to my room.

"Who is Ethan?" Peter asked.

"My body guard." I told him,"he's our age. nice person, but can be brutal when it comes to protecting me." Peter nodded.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked.

"You up for swimming?" I suggested.

"I'd love to, but I have no swimsuit."

"That's  no problem, ill get you one." I said before using my powers to make one for him.

"Wow! How do you do all this stuff?" He asked, but I just shrugged and told him to get dressed.
(Hello, was it good? I think it was good. But I wanna know what you think. Next chapters are going to be more exiting. Ok, bye!!)

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