chapter 4

11 1 4

***lucas's pov***

I sighed as i layed in my bed, its saturday night and im home alone while my parents are out on date and im single thinking about y/n.

'of all girls why her? Why does she interest me?' Was all i thought until i was able to fall asleep to only have a dream of me and her happily together.


I wake up to my alarm and just layed there once again but this time because i was tired as hell. I sighed and chose to just text her whats the worst that can happen.

L:hey gorgeous


L:what can i not complement my lady?

Y/n:im not your lady you loser.

L:ouch that broke my heart ):

Y/n:good now leave me alone please (:

L:wanna hang out today

Y/n:thought we were supposed to next weekend?

L:yeah well im bored.

Y/n:sure where we going?

L:park then a bomb ass coffee shop i know (:

Y/n:sure but if i get bored quick we are never hanging out again.

L:deal (:

A big smile appeared on my face and i quickly got up and got dressed.

"BY MOM I'LL BE HOME LATER" i yelled knowing my mom was probably in bed or in the kitchen.

***y/n pov***

I chose to just meet lucas at the park since i wanted some time to think about the next group hang out. Im basically the planner of the group it's pretty great.

Js:hey you busy today?????

Y/n:yeah why?

Js:cause i miss hangin with my buddy ):

Y/n:i miss you too jisung )):

Js:when are you free????

Y/n: good question ill get back to you on that

Js:okay well hopefully soon (:

Y/n:aren't you like over seas tho like how we gonna hang?

Js:don't worry about that sweetcheeks (:

Y/n:okay whatever😂

Js:one more question


Js:is the school good?

Y/n:yeah i guess

Js:okay great i gotta go now talk to you soon.

I smiled i honestly missed jisung and winwin i haven't seen them since me and the guys were basically fetus's.

I soon arrived to the park and saw lucas sittin on the bench on his phone.

'probably texting one of his hoes' i thought to myself, i chose to scare him a bit so i swiftly ran behind his bench and peared over his shoulder and saw he was texting johnny.

L:i really like her i dunno why

Jy:hang out with her then when the time is right confess and treat her right simple

L:yeah i know.

Jy:but remember she's my little sister so if you two do become a thing treat her right or ill knock your teeth in.

L:yeah yeah i just hope shes loyal and actually wants something unlike every other girl I've been with

Jy:trust me she does she isn't like any of your ex's my little sister is unique i love that about her

L:awww johnny has a warm soft side uwu

Jy:shouldn't you be sucking dick???

L:alright alright bye you loser ill text you and tell you how it went.

"Hey loser"


"calm down sugar tits"

"Why you lookin at them you weirdo" lucas covered his chest with his hands as we both laughed.

"So are we just walkimg around?" I asked while getting on one of the swings

"Yeah or we can go to the carnival near by if you want" lucas came up behind and pushed me gently on the swing i was sitting on.

"Dude that sounds so fun!!..wait i didn't bring enough money"

"Don't worry I'll pay" he said with a cheeky smile.

          Time skip

***still y/n pov***

"I had so much fun today lucas"

"I did too,you're really good at carnival games and very very competitive"

Lucas had walked me home since it was dark out and he didn't want me to get raped or anything. We just stood in front of my front door and just stared at each other and before i knew it this kid leaned in and kissed me! I quickly pulled back and just stared at him.

"I um uh i- johnny must be waiting for me. Bye" i quickly walked in the house and ran to my room.



L:im sorry


L:i know you don't like me in that way i just got cought uo in the moment

Y/n:oh it's cool don't worry about it..pal (:

'oof calling him pal even broke my heart' i thought to myself.

L:well goodnight (:

Y/n:night (:

***lucas's pov***

She really just called me 'pal'...ouch. I sighed and looked at the clock


"I normally don't do this shit but..i wish to win and keep y/n's heart~" after that i blacked out and hoped for my wish to come true.

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