chapter 9

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***taeyong's pov***

I chose to text y/n since i was bored and the guys were watching some lame cartoon on the tv.

T:soo what are you gonna say??

Y/n:i dunno honestly like i do like him but i just don't know ya know?

T:yeah well I'll let you think on that but anywayyy you should come to the shoot tomorrow since your boyfriend will be there and so will your favorite person.

Y/n:jisungs going to be there?!

T:-_- no loser i am

T:you know what never mind don't come since im not your favorite ):

Y/n:shut up you're all my favorite and I'll totally be there.

Just then lucas came running into the living room with so much excitement in his eyes.

***lucas's pov***

I opened y/n's message

Y/n:sorry if i wake you but i thought about it and my answer is a yes (:

i was so happy to read that message. I ran to the living room where everyone was at and told them the news. Everyone cheered and congratulated me, i ran back to my room and texted my now girlfriend until 3am.

"Lucy wake up we gotta go" i wake up to taeyong shaking me to wake up.

"Go where?"

"We gotta go to the shoot remember?"

"Oh yeah! alright." I said pushing ty out of my room so i could get ready.

          Time skip

***still lucas's pov***

After my part in the song i went to use the bathroom as fast i could just in case i was needed again and might i say that was the fastest piss I've ever tooken.

"Great beautiful guys you're good to just hang around!"

The director told us. I walked to where all the food was and started to eat a handfull of stuff.

"Hey you came!!" I heard ty say to y/n? I didn't know she was coming.

I ran toward her and picked her up by her waist and hugged her. I was so happy she was mine.

"Hey lucy" y/n laughed i quickly put her down and stared at ty.

"What?" He said holding back his laugh.

"Did you tell her my nickname?"

"Maybe" im gonna kill this man.

"Don't worry ill probably forget about it later...lucy." Y/n said while laughing.

"You're lucky you're cute."

"Aww thanks you're not too bad looking yourself." She said with a laugh and kissed my cheek.

"Groooosssss!" We turned our heads to see a disgusted mark.

"Lets go get some lunch im hungry." Y/n said to everyone.

We all gathered our things and headed to a nearby pizza place and ate there.

After eating we all went back to the dorm, half the guys were gone either practicing or running errands. Me and y/n went to my room and she plopped onto my bed. This girl knows how to get comfortable fast.

"Are you tired?" I asked as i laid with her cuddling her.

All she did was nod and close her eyes and before i knew it we were both asleep.

***taeyong's pov***

Its 7:30pm and i noticed y/n nor lucas have left his room ever since we got here. They're probably fuckin.

"Mark go get lucas and y/n we're going out for dinner today." All he did was nod and walked away.

***marks pov***

I opened the door to lucas's room and saw him asleep while cuddling y/n. I quickly took a picture and left.

"Cute." Was all i said before sending it to the group chat with everyone in it.

"They're asleep so lets just go without them and just bring something back." We later left to a new resturant and then went and watched a movie.

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