Moving On?

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Soon after Isaac's lips touched mine I felt something. I felt needed, I felt loved. Isaac was the first to pull back, as if he were reeling his lips back in.

"Hazel I'm so sorry! I don't know why I did it! I know you love Gus and I shouldn't.." I missed the feeling of being loved. I don't know if I missed the feeling or I liked Isaac, but I cut him off. I kissed his lips once more, making a steady rhythm with him. Each breath I take I felt more joy in every second of kissing him.

A part if me wishes it was Gus. A part of me wishes it was just me and Isaac. After a while of feeling loved I pull back releasing our grip on each other. I look at Isaac and smile. (Even though he can't see it)

"Hazel, you don't have to do this. I don't know why I did it in the first place. I guess I was trying to live life. I mean I should take chances, and I guess kissing the girl I realized I have come to like is a risk." Isaac blushed after he finished his sentence.

"Wait you like me?" I asked, not sure what to do. I love Augustus and no one could take that away, but isn't loving Isaac moving on?

"Hazel, I know this is all of a sudden. Your the only pretty girl who would spend hours on end spending time, helping me, and being a good friend. Damn I think those are good traits in a crush." Isaac finished, then looked at me.

"I know you miss him. I know you wish I was him. Right?" Isaac said feeling hurt because I hadn't responded. I couldn't think. I loved Gus, but he's gone and I would be moving on, but I can't replace that part of my heart.

"I love you Isaac I really do!" I said taking deep breaths.

"But I need to think. I have to go." I said getting up and rolling my tank upstairs. I loved Isaac, but could he bring back the stars I had once saw?

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