1. Fresh Start.

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Dear Diary.

My name is Clarke Griffin, I'm twelve years old and I love my family. Two years ago my parents got divorced. Now my mother has decided it's too painful to live in our house so we're moving to a new town. Mom bought me this diary because she thinks it will help me. I don't want to leave my friends but I don't have a choice. Mom said we can still visit them since it's only two hours away. My big brother doesn't want to leave either. His name is Roan. He's three years older than me but he's really overprotective of me. It's our first night in our new house and I miss my old room already. Mom said the neighbours next door are really friendly and have a girl my age there and a boy a year younger than Roan. Mom said we could all be friends but I don't want new friends, I want my old friends. I want to move back into my old house. I want my dad.

Moms calling for dinner, I have to go. Until next time.



"Clarke, Roan, dinner!" Abby called from the bottom of the stairs. It was their first night in their new house and Abby knew it was tough for her children. The divorce had been rough on all of them, most of all her son. Roan hated the fact that they'd moved so far away and had refused to speak to anyone besides Clarke.

Clarke was the first into the dining room. Abby noticed she didn't seem like her usual bubbly self and figured she was just missing her friends. Clarke sat down at the table and the two of them waited for Roan. A few minutes later he walked into the room and slumped down on the chair beside Clarke.

"Have you guys unpacked?" Abby asked as they began eating.

Clarke nodded her head. If by unpacking, Abby meant shoving the still full boxes in the closet then yes, Clarke had unpacked.

"Roan?" Abby asked when her son stayed quiet.

"No." Roan replied bluntly.

Abby let out a sigh and cleared away their empty plates. Clarke looked over at her brother.

"I miss him too, but don't blame Mom." Clarke whispered.

"I'm not blaming Mom, dad's the one that ran off with another woman, but she is the one that made us move." Roan argued.

Abby walked into the room again, sitting opposite her children. She looked from one to the other and back again.

"Look, I know you guys miss your friends and your old house. But this is your home now, you'll still see your old friends, you'll still see your dad and you'll make new friends here." Abby smiled.

"Can I go back to my room now please?" Roan huffed.

"Roan, please. I'm trying here, I really am." Abby sighed.

"I don't want you to try! I want my life back!" Roan yelled before he ran out the room.

Abby dropped her head into her hands. This was a big change for all of them. She had expected her son to be unhappy with the move, but she hadn't expected him to pretty much hate her. She knew it would take time, but she just hoped he'd understand that this was what was best for them. She tried to stay strong her children but Abby knew they could tell she was hurting still. She had been married for 17 years. Then her husband decided to run off with another woman and left the family heartbroken. She hadn't wanted the children to find out about Jake's actions, but Roan had overheard them one day, and being the protective big brother he was, had told Clarke.

It was decided between Abby and Jake that he would see the children once every two weeks. It wasn't ideal but it worked. The arrangement was supposed to continue even after the move, but Abby had a feeling it wouldn't.

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