Chapter 13

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A/N: Slight violence involved...enjoy!🖤

Just when I thought that he abandoned me to die here in this cabin, a loud booming voice echoed outside and startled me. There were screams of two men, one of which I could recognize which is Namjoon's voice obviously, the other sounded kind of familiar but I couldn't tell who it was.

I impatiently sat in my seat hoping someone would come in and save me, but that was far from reality. Who am I kidding? I'm pretty sure I'm in an abandoned building where no one dares to approach, not even the police would suspect this place. My thoughts were interrupted with a loud bang on the door, it sounded as if someone was slammed onto it. I trembled in my place and tried my best to not whimper; I was so terrified of the consequences.

The door was suddenly forced open and a person was thrown right at my feet. He groaned loudly in pain and shifted in his place. The lights flickered open and I stared at the weak figure lying in front of me.

Sam: JIMIN!?

Namjoon: Small world isn't it?

Jimin: Na- Namjoon p-please don't h-hurt h-her.

Jimin was all beat up, covered from head to toe with large purple bruises and cuts spanning his whole arms and face. I wanted to kneel down and help him but my body just stayed there still trying to understand what does he have to do with all of this. Namjoon approached the aching Jimin, lifted him up vigorously and slammed him, face first, on the wooden floor once again.

Namjoon: Are you watching Sam? I hope you enjoy this just as much as you enjoyed making out with him!

Sam: What the fuck are you talking about?! I didn't make out with him!

Jimin: Namjoon she doesn't know... she doesn't remember.

I stared at Jimin in disbelief, he looked back at me his left side of his face now all soaked in blood.

Namjoon: Jimin don't fucking lie straight up to my face! You both know what happened that night!

Sam: You son of a-

Out of a sudden a blurry flashback appeared in front me; there were faint details displayed; I was lying on a smooth velvet bed trying to gain consciousness when I heard the door of the room creak open and an unfamiliar figure stood there frozen. Just as he was about to leave, the helpless me called out to him to stay. He lay next to me on the bed and that was when the alcohol effects kicked in and everything became hazy.

As I remembered the flashback my eyes became teary and my breathing hurdled. The unfamiliar guy was Jimin and we made out that night. All the puzzles finally clicked in their place as I understood everything. That's why Jimin gave me that spine chilling glare when I met him at the dance room; we were both guilty of what happened.

I hung my head low avoiding eye contact with either of them.

Sam: I-I remember. *tears streamed down my face*

This now explains Namjoon's violent actions towards me in the past. He thought I knew about the incident and never told him, but the thing is I was extremely clueless back then.

Jimin: There is no way you remember! You were completely wasted back then!

Sam: I remember faint details alright!!? I just remembered them!

Namjoon: *grabs Jimin by his hair* So lover boy? Turns out she remembers doesn't she?

Jimin: You have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

Namjoon: I don't want to hear anymore bullshit from either of you. *turns to face Sam* I thought you loved me Sam, if you didn't do this then it wouldn't have come to this.

Sam: Namjoon I'm sorry, please.

Namjoon: Too late. Time for both of you to pay.

He grabs Jimin and ties him to the leg of my chair and proceeds out of the room to get a couple of tools.

Jimin: You don't deserve to be in this mess. *whispers in a low manner just for me to be able to hear*

Sam: We are both guilty of what happened. *hangs head low*

Jimin: Don't say that.

We both sat down helpless and weak, we couldn't do anything now... it's over.

A/N: Hiiiiiii, how's the story so far?🤓

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A/N: Hiiiiiii, how's the story so far?🤓

Small World // Taehyung ff ✔️Where stories live. Discover now