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                                                                Chapter 2: Kidnapped?!

        "I want some Hot Pockets!" I childishly whined to Amanda

        "No! I've told this one to many times! THOSE THINGS ARE NASTY!" she yelled at me, earning us a few stares from some nosey shoppers.

        I stare at her,mouth wide-open in shock, "how could you say that about these delicious items that god has graceiously given to us?" I let a few tears travel for dramatic effect.. Amanda hates tears!

        "FINE you can get those..body killers..." she looks at the box in disgust.

        "YAY!!!" I scream in excitement

        We travel around the store a few more minutes before a loud "BANG" echos across the store along with many screams and shots of alarm.

        "HOLY FUDGE NUGGETS!" I scream to Amanda, but realize she's not there.. " Amanda" I whisper nerviously, still having no clue what is going on. I wonder around the store for a while, still hearing some deep voices yell, but I don't care! I need to find Amanda! Then I hear it. That one thing that I hated to hear and never wished to hear.. Amanda crying. My best friend is crying. I crawl along the floor to the source of the crying and the source of the yelling. Finally after what seems years I find Amanda sniffling on the floor while hugging herself. Our eyes slowly meet...

        "Dakota! You have to go NOW!"

        It's to late though, all of a sudden a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist bringing me into the air!

        " Hey Boss, I found another pretty one. This ones smaller though"  I hear the voice of my captor from behind.

        " I'm not small! IM FUNSIZE!" I scream at him while clawing at his arms. Mr. Im-going-to-be-an-arse looks at me amusingly.

        "you're not gettting anywhere shortstuff." 

And that does it... I smirk at him evilly and take a big I-don't-give-a-fudge bite out of his hand.

        "OW WHAT THE HECK!"  he screams in pain and I manage to realease myself from his hold.

        "HA SERVES YOU!" I yell in triumph. I'm about to make my way to a still-crying Amanda, when all of a sudden a much strong hand grabs my waist and lifts me above a, must I say.. hunky, shoulder. "oof" I let out as I feel the wind getting knocked out of me.

        " I think that's enough for you Missy" my kidnapper whisper's to me as the guy from before puts a white cloth to my nose and mouth.

        "Night" he whispers as the room turns black.

        I hope you guys enjoyed my second chapter! Sorry for any grammar mistakes! I will try to fix them later! Lots of hugs and kisses.


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