Part I

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Right now you're sitting on the bed in your little apartment when a noise sounds above you. You look up with your eyebrows contracted. Above you is just the roof. You get up, turn off your cigarette and put on your heavy boots. Carefully, you open your skylight and climb onto the roof. It's dark, as always, so you put your glasses on your nose and activate the night vision via the inlay on your forearm. A few seconds later, you see a man lying there. You approach him slowly, if he suddenly startles. But he just stays there. You crouch down in front of him and knock him on the head. "Hey you!", You shout loud and the man is frightened. He sits up and pushes your hand away. "Sorry!", You say and get up.

"Where are you from?", You ask the obvious question. The man seems to think and then answers, "I was on an Asgardian ship and had to leave quickly, I actually wanted to go to New York, but apparently I'm not." You shake your head. "No. You are in Night City." The man reaches out and you just look at him funny. Then you shake your head. "I do not shake hands, it's not personal." The man nods and introduces himself. "I am Loki from Asgard." You grin. Loki is just mythology. " Loki shakes his head. "No, I'm really Loki, not just a legend." You shrug. "What the hell.", You say. Slowly the rain gets uncomfortable and you ask Loki into your apartment

"Pretty small," he says as he stands in your apartment. "Hey, there are at least 10qm2, although I have to share with my cats but at least more than so many others have here. Sit down yet.", You say and get out of a small cabinet a towel. "Get dry first." But his hair was already dry. "Do you use magic?" You ask bluntly. If he was really Loki, then he could definitely use magic. And indeed, Loki nods. You nod and sit next to him. You put a cigarette on and hold the pack to Loki, but he just waves it off. You shrug and throw the pack on the table. With your fingertips you light the cigarette. You are a modder to your and other bodies. 25% of your body now consists of machine parts. There's the inlay on the left forearm, the fire activators in your right fingertips, and the various virtual reality ports. In addition, your right arm is completely made of metal parts because your arm was severed during a job.

Your inlay flashes and you look at it. A customer expecting a new tattoo. "Will you come with me? I better not leave you alone here, but maybe you should wear something else." Loki nods and fits his outfit to yours. Black leather pants, a black shirt, boots and a leather coat. "That looks good!", You say and go to the door. Before you put your machine gun in the holster on your back and two small knives in your boots. "You do not mind if we run, right?" You ask, looking at Loki. "No," he says, shaking his head.

You go to the streets and you pull your hood in the forehead to protect your freshly dyed hair. Your hair is short and now blue. You have several piercings in the nose and are almost completely tattooed. You are wearing black pants, a long shirt with a light breastplate over it and a leather jacket. Your shoes are laced up and tight so you can kick or run anytime. Life in 2077 is not easy, especially if you live and work in a neighborhood like this. With Loki in tow, you walk past a few house fronts until you finally stand in front of your small shop. The "For Code's sake" was your pride and joy. Here, your customers build new parts, wait for the old parts, write various lines of code or tattoo them.

With your inlay you open the door and turn on the dimmed light. "Find a seat.", You say and take off your jacket. You throw them behind the counter and get everything ready for your customer. The bell is already ringing. Right old-fashioned. At the time you thought that fits in well with your shop and you were right. All your customers find the bell great. "Hey Y / N!", Calls Kolé. One of your best customers. You come from behind the counter and hug him. "K, nice to see you!" He grins and sits down in his usual place. "What should it be?", You ask and clean the skin on his leg. He shows you a picture of a cat dressing in front of a sky. "That looks awesome, K! Where did you always get your ideas?", You ask him impressed. Kolé only shrugs his shoulders. "You catch that up.", He laughs and then stops, that you can tattoo him. After about an hour he points to Loki with his hand. "Who did you find there?" He asks. "Found it is quite good.", You say and wipe off with a cloth some color. "He showed up on my roof today and can not leave here." Kolé laughs. "It's typical that this happens to you, many things come to you and do not disappear anymore." It alludes to your three cats, who all live with you. You agree to his laughter and then turn back to the subject. Two hours later, you're done and nod to Kolé. "Finished!" He stretches and then looks at his leg. "Looks awesome, Y / N!", He says and then hugs you again. "Do you take the usual?" You nod. "Jup. 500 credits, my special prize for you." Kolé taps his inlay and you get the message that there are 500 credits in your account. "Thank you," you say. "Likewise." Kolé leaves the door after a quick farewell.

Non-Binary! Reader x Loki (Cyberpunk 2077 AU)Where stories live. Discover now