Chapter 2- Love

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After the doctor checked for everything Kellin and I were left alone. For the first time in at least a year I felt like I was whole again. Seconds turn into minutes and there has not been a word spoken... not that it's uncomfortable but, I can't see if he is angry with me or just still shaken from my near death. At the moment though I don't care about what he is feeling I long for my sister again. I miss her already I wish she was here to tell me what to do next. 

"Kayden, I need to know why?" Kellin finally broke the silence. I looked straight at the wall while I spoke not wanting to see his reaction.

"Everything got the best of me again. You hadn't spoken to me and, your music wasn't enough that time." I explained feeling tears brewing in the depth of my soul which were filling my eyes. "Then the news got out about your girlfriend. I figured you wouldn't want to be there. I thought you had moved on and, I was happy for you." I spoke as best I could with being unconious for weeks will kind of take a toll on someone. 

"Kayden you know I would always be there for you and her... she's just a person who in no way can replace you." He sighed. I slightly turned my head to see him rubbing his temples in frustration.

"Well how was I supposed to know Kellin?" I asked letting the tears go. As they fell down my cheeks he took notice and wipped them away. 

"Do you remember anything?" He spoke with a different tone a softer more calm town than perivously.

"I remember seeing a puddle of my own blood and then going black." I whispered. Kellin took my hand and what felt like a current rushed through my body. How I missed his touch.

"I saw your instagram post and whatever was commenting on it and saying. I thought maybe I would come see you because I missed you. I walked upstairs and called your name I didn't hear anything. Then as I passed the bathroom door there was a loud thud. The door was locked..." He stopped with a shaky breath. "I busted the door to see you laying in the floor. Limp and lifeless." He finished with tears falliing from his eyes. I reached up to touch his face. 

"How the hell did we end up like this?" I sighed.

"It all started with freshman year." He said smirking..


Freshman year is always the most awkward year for everyone. You are just finding out who you are and you don't know what to expect from everyone. Well going into freshman year as soon as your sister passed away isn't a great way to go.  On the first day I went to my locker putting my backpack and such on the inside something beside me caught my attention. Kellin Bostwick had a locker right beside me. I looked down as I shut my locker. I went to walk away but something stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Hey, Kayden wait up!" a rather high pitched voice called my name. I turned to see Kellin walking at a fast pace to catch up with me. 

"Um.. h-hi." I replied barely above a whisper.

"Hi. I'm Kellin I don't think we have ever officially met." He said. 

"Hi Kellin.. I'm Kayden." I smiled sticking my hand out. 

Freshman year continued and everything was perfect. No one picked on me anymore really. If they did Kellin would handle it. Eventually Kellin and I got rather close. Soon enough though Kellin found an intrest in music and moved. We remained close however, the bullying started again. I didn't let Kellin know though. I felt as if I did I would interfere with his career and that was the most important thing right now. 

~End Of Flashback~

I stared back into those blue irises that fill my stomach with butterflies. 

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