Chapter 3- You're not the only one

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Without a further word I did as I was told. However, as I finished the English a beautiful woman walked in.She reminded me much of my sister. Her hair was long black and silky it flowed well below her shoulders. Her skin was perfect it was flawless with a ivory tent. Her body was slimy clearly without troubling her. To say I was envious is an understatement. The girl looked straight to Kellin and motioned for the door. 

"Katelynne, what are you doing here?" he asked without looking back at me.

"I need to speak to you." She stated as if I wasn't in the room. 

"Now isn't the time." Kellin snapped. 

"Well when is the time Kell?" She questioned with hurt coating her words. 

"Katelynne, I told you we are through. Move on with your life." He said while rising from his seat.

"You are my life Kellin." She replied. They then stepped out of ear shot. I sighed in frustration as the nurse brought in food. I began to eat and a sharp pain hit my stomach causing me to feel the need to vomit. The nurse rubbed my hand.

"I know it's hard but I have faith in you." She informed as she walked out. I smiled and continued to eat. Saying it was a struggle would be a lie. Forceful would be the correct term. When Kellin returned I had just finished eatting. He ran a hand through his hair and gave a fake smile to me. I bit my lip but didn't mention anything further. After about an hour of silence I glanced at Kellin to see him in tears. 

"Kellin," I started and it must have startled him judging by his reaction: wiping his tears and plastering a fake smile onto his face.

"What's up beautiful." He asked taking my hand.

"Go back to her." I said trying to hide the hurt in my voice.

"What?" He questioned confused.

"I see how bad not being with her is hurting you. Go be with her. She needs you." I stated knowing I would regret it if he did leave. However, I don't want to be the reason he is miserable.

"Kayden no I'm not letting you go again." He stated looking me into those eyes. His blue orbs filled with pain.  

"No. Listen to me. If you want to be with her." He cut me off with his lips pressing to mine then he was gone. 

~2 weeks later~

After I was at a normal weight and stable they released me. Returning to school wasn't terrible no one messed with me and now here I am my last day of high school. Kellin went back to Katelynne but, in his recent pictures that beautiful smile I am used to seeing is no more, he has bags and dark spots under his eyes, and over all just distant. 

"Go home and get ready for graduation tonight. Be here by six thirty." Mr. Baker said smiling at us. Upon arriving home I walked into my bathroom, and stripped out of the tight red fabric clinging to my legs and pulled off the thin black All Time Low tank top over my shoulders throwing it across the room. Turning the water on to just the right heat I stepped into the shower and one thought kept coming to my mind... Kellin. 'Why did he kiss me? He knew what he was doing!' I thought to myself as I shampooed and conditioned my hair. 'Did he really love me like Morgan said?' I thought as I began to shave. Yes, being in the hospital for the reason I was I was not allowed razors to shave and it sucked. After I was finished I stepped out onto a plush rug and wrapped a robe around my body. After walking back into my room I picked up my phone and sat it in the iHome and put it on shuffle. Then a beautiful voice filled the room. 

"The hardest thing I'd ever do is say goodbye and walk slowly away from you but, I'd do. And after all this time I shared with you it seems unfair to leave with nothing more than blank stares but I'll do it and if it's for the best then I wish you well and if it helps to say our life was a living hell well then do it then do it then do it but don't you ever forget about me when you toss and you turn in your sleep I hope it's because you can't stop thinking about the reason why you close your eyes I haunt your dreams at night so you can't stop thinking about me...." 

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