Chapter 8- The Return

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~7 Months Later~

"Would anyone like to share the progress you have made during your stay here?" Dr. Canter asked. Everyone looked at each other but as usual no one said anything. I simply raised my hand and this caused a few eyebrows to be raised. "Kayden? Go ahead." She said smiling at me and premiting me to speak.  

"Well my problems all started with a suicide attempt. I guess you could say a sucide since I was dead for ten minutes. I wanted out and I never thought about actually getting help. I recovered once I was back at home and I had motivation to recover. Then I came here and my best friends, Kellin and Vic... Kellin had nothing to do with me. He was dating a girl named Katelynne and I never shared it because, I was dating Vic but, everytime I saw pictures of them together I died a little bit inside. When Kellin came back to me I realized it was real. Love is real. I had been going to Dr. Simmions for a couple of days 1 session a day and she requested Kellin and Vic to come to one. So I brought them and she weighed me. I was 5'2 18 years old and 90 pounds. She asked me to raise my sleeves. I did and there were new scars. Kellin asked me to raise my shirt. I knew he knew and the cuts were terrible. He brought me here. The night I arrived here I didn't want to be here. I was happy. Or everyone thought that. My problems weren't that I wanted attention or I wanted Kellin. My addictions became away to distant myself for everyone. It started out as just wanted to drop 5 pounds before I saw my friends again. It started as one cut on my thigh. I just never thought it would escalate to the point of were I never ate and if I did I automatically felt fat. I never wanted to get to the point where I cut over every little thing. I didn't see myself getting worse until I arrived here. I remember the sudden shock of knowing I was here and I was here to stay. The moment I realized it was when they told Kellin he couldn't stay and Vic couldn't walk with us. The next morning upon waking up I looked in the mirror and, I realized," I paused for a  moment to calm my shaky voice. "I realized how sick I was. I wanted to get better. For myself. However, I fought everything at first. I didn't do anything the nurses told me to. In fact I rebelled against everything. Then my best friends went on tour and I hadn't spoken to either of them. I decided it was time for a change. Time for me to get back to being myself. Time for me to love myself." I finsished. Glancing up I saw tears in peoples eyes and finally met Dr. Canter's eyes. 

"I think it's time you go home." She said smiling.

I stepped out of the building that has been my home for months now. 7 months to be exact. I am now at a healthy 125 pounds and am 6 months clean of self harm. Kellin never missed a vistiation until he had to leave for tour it has been 5 months since I seen him last. However, he is picking up today and I no longer have to see be inside this building. Given it is July I still wear Kellin's hoodie because it feels like they don't own a damn heater inside. 

"Kayden?" I turned to find Vic standing infront of a car instead of Kellin. 

"Where is Kellin?" I asked stepping back not wanting to leave the hospital with anyone except Kellin. 

"Kayd he is at your new apartment finishing decorating for you." He said smiling. I ran to Vic and wrapped my arms around him his arm snaked around my waist and I felt protected. "Lets get you home before Kellin starts to think I kidnapped you." He said chuckling and causing me to giggle. I got into the passanger seat and pulled my seat belt around me as Vic got into the drivers and started the car. 

~Skip Car Ride~

We pulled into Kellin's drive way and, I turned to face Vic.

"I thought you said my apartment?" I asked 

"Kellin thought you wouldn't come with me if you knew you were staying with him." Vic explained and I rolled my eyes. I walked to the front door and turned the nob pushing the door open and, walking inside.

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