Mr. Pike

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"Okay! Class dismissed. Don't forget, everyone, we have a test in three days. Make sure you guys study!" Mr. Pike said to the remaining students.

I took my time getting up, and I waited for everyone else to clear out before I approached him. It wasn't like I was scared to stay an extra hour after school, it's that I was scared to spend an hour after school with people I didn't know. I don't think I could handle detention ever again.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Ah, yes. Do explain, Annabelle, what caused you to be so sleepy in my class?" Ugh... this again? Just give me the detention already! I don't need another talk.

"I... was... tired?" Couldn't he tell? Why else would I be sleeping? "Are you asking me if you were tired or are you telling me?"

Seriously? You're wasting my time. I want to get to lunch.

"Telling you." I mumbled. He studied me.

"It seems so." He paused. "Is anything troubling you? Either at home or here, Anna?"

I was taken aback. Why would I tell him anything? More importantly, why does he want to know? "I personally don't think that is any of your business. It's fine at home." A total lie.

He tapped his foot. "Well, if anything goes wrong you know where to come. You know you can always talk to me." He sat down on the edge of his desk and motioned me to do the same. I obliged, but sat a few more inches away than he implied.

Where was this coming from? Since when did he care about me? What happened to all the class periods of him ignoring me when I took up the courage to actually raise my hand?

I was beginning to feel a little nervous.

"Will do." There was an awkward moment where he was just sitting there, smiling at me. "I'm just... gonna... go... to-to... lunch..." I gave him the fakest smile I could have pulled off and began to walk out.

Did I just get out of a detention?

"Annabelle, I think you're forgetting something." After I turned around to see him holding a pink detention slip addressed for me, I was pissed.

"See you then, Annabelle."


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