Super Best Boyfriends (Kyle's POV)

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We pulled away leaving a trail of saliva on each of our tongues and us breathing heavily,
"Well, that happened." Stan said breaking the awkward silence between us. I was still in shock but in love

"What are you going to tell Wendy?"
"I will say that I am dumping her for a cuter person" he replied to me question, I giggled and blushed as I kissed him again. "Haha I guess we are officially boyfriend and... Um.. Boyfriend haha.."He said snickering.

We were in school and Stan went up to Wendy holding my hand
" Oh HI Ba-... What are you doing holding HIS hand?
"Hello girlfriend, I am here to arrange a break up in this specific location. I will now be calling you Wendy or XG, alright I will be scensing your appearance in class today, good day." he said laughing a bit, he was talking like a drunk robot what the actual fuck? I started laughing but accidentally snorted. It went like this"hahaha-Snort-ha"but when I snorted, it made Stan laugh

"Haha that was adorable" he said walking away from Wendy.
"Not as funny as your drunk robot impression" I laughed so hard that I caught the hiccup
You thought I was going to embarrass Kyle and make him pee his underwear? Guessed wrong biach, I like Kyle to much to do that.

Stan laughed at my sudden hiccup but lended me water and frightened me on the walk so ye.

Short I know but it was all I could do, I'm a child and it is almost 11:00 so I have to sleep, according to my mom, so yea, KTHXBAI!

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