School Skipping (Stan's POV)

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I got ready to go to school. I showered, wore clean clothes, ate then knocked on Kyle's door. After moments, ike opened the door

"hey dude, where's Kyle?" I asked looking down at him
"he's caught a cold..." Ike answered annoyed
"can I see him?" I questioned forgetting that I could catch it.
"sure" Ike said. I slowly made my way up the stairs.

I knocked on Kyle's door as a faint 'come in' filled my ears. I opened the door to see Kyle in bed on his phone.
"Hey, ike said you were sick?" i stated
"do you wanna hear a secret?"
"I'm not sick, I just wanted to skip school because of all the drama and Wendy's fake websites. Wow, Kyle, skipping school, well thats the first
" I'll stay, to keep you company"i said
"sure, thanks"


"Wanna stay the night? My mom and dad aren't coming until tomorrow 3:00pm and ike is gonna stay the night at his boyfriend's firkle" Kyle asked in a exited voice
"Sure" I answered, we were both tired of playing video games for the whole day so we slept earlier that usual. I gripped Kyle's waist as he snuggled to my chest, I could feel his eye lashes shut closed so I did the same

School skip
Me:Care to explain why you skipped school?
Brain:Ye I was lazy. heared it here folks,Tune in next time to find out what Wendy was doing in school, KThxBai

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