Chapter 1: The Escape

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The video is the song I chose for this chapter. It's "Oh the Larceny - Man on a Mission" if you can't see it or play it. it sounds best if you listen to it towards the end! You'll have to read to find out why. 

As always remember to comment, vote, like, and follow me!!!

My posting schedule will hopefully be twice a week, Sundays, and Thursdays. 



"Bitch," "Slut," "Dumb-ass excuse for a werewolf." "How can you be a werewolf when you can't shift, you don't even smell like one, pathetic."

These were just some of the things I was used to hearing while being hit. I always turn my face away from my pack when they start their antics and harassment. I don't want them to get satisfaction by seeing that they get to me. And the added anger post looking away is always worth it.

Alice, the Beta's daughter, had come home with our alpha Derick. And that's when they called me downstairs, they left school early, for what I'm guessing was a quickie and some drinking. The walk downstairs was agony. My nerves a wreck, palms sweaty, and legs shaky. My mind was reeling at the time. What could I have done wrong? I know I stayed out of the way today. Unfortunately, when I saw their amused and delirious expressions—I knew—today's beating would happen just for the hell of it. Because they felt the want to, and I guess there's never really a good reason for what they do to me. It used to be different though thinking back my childhood years were bearable I wasn't abused like I am now, but I was still called names and made to do housework like the servants. But that's all I used to be, a servant. Up until two years ago my only fear was doing something wrong and being reprimanded. Two years ago, Derick's father, Angelo Peter's died. Two years ago, the old Derick died too.

A kick to the shin brought me back out of the thoughts I tried escaping with, It's always the same and it always leaves my brain littered with agonizing memories, memories where I still feel, where I relive the moment. How that person's hands had grabbed me by the throat, by the hair, where that kick was sent straight to my ribs, how that punch was perfectly put to knock me off my feet. Today was no different, the exception though, two people delivering the blows instead of one. "Baby..." Alice slurred as she grabbed the arm aimed for another attack "Let's go upstairs for some more fun." I curled my body into itself just bracing for the impact of the hit I was sure would come. When it didn't, I turned for just a peek to see Derick smirk and grab Alice's waist and walk away.

My body was on fire, my mind shut down before the hits even started, and my brains only thought process was 'get to your room before anyone else comes home.' I laid there for a moment regaining my reality and swimming in the pain radiating from the tips of my toes to my now swollen jaw. And then that's exactly what I did, granted the pain I was in, I knew I needed to move up the stairs. With so many years of going through this abuse I can tell when a bone is broken, but right now one isn't and that's probably the only reason I make it upstairs. Moving through my ajar door I take a few breaths to steady myself sliding down it while shutting it at the same time. My eyelids droop and close instinctively. There's no better place to be than away in my dreams. Sleep helps so much. It's a place where I just get to forget everything for a while, its peaceful, it's my escape. And my body right now so badly just wants to rest. But I can't rest right now. Thoughts just roll around in my head until everything goes quiet.


I jolt awake, somehow me trying to keep myself awake made me fall asleep. How original. The pain that woke me up must have been from the injuries I sustained earlier. But it was different, odd, and still hurt like a bitch. My limbs were stiff from not moving so I decided to get up and stretch them out. The pain radiating through my body was just like all the other times to I blocked it out and looked at the moon. I must've slept throughout the entire day which was fine with me, it meant I didn't have to deal with everybody, and I wasn't hungry. Friday was graduation and because of the beating that littered my skin I probably wouldn't be able to go, maybe that was their plan. Fortunately for me I can just go pick up my diploma, it's what I planned on doing anyways. For tonight though my bed was calling me, and I answered

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