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"This is nothing." I tell myself, but Obito takes it directly. Even though my arm still burns from the acid, I can't stop. Not right now. Putting my hands back on his shoulders, he opens another dimension. This time it's a desert, I can feel the heat from the one were in. So far I can't see anything, only mounds of sand and blue sky. Over on the the hills, emerges a figure. One that will never become strange to me.

"Sasuke-kun, over here hurry!" We both begin to yell as his body runs faster and faster to the portal. The swirl begins to shrink as Obito can no longer keep it open.

"Shit!" He mutters loudly under his breath. The chakra I'd already been giving him had already depleted, I'm the only hope that is left.

"I'm gonna give it all I got!" My throat hurts as I scream, my life force burns as I drain myself. I can feel the warmth of his blood drip onto my hand, as the dimension becomes smaller within seconds. Soon all I can see is the original exterior in front of me, we lost him.

"Dammit!" I hear Obito curse to himself, but all I can think is that I failed him, everyone once again. The entire place is spinning, my chakra had reached it's limit. My hands slip from his shoulders, as I fall from the strength I have now lost. My eyes close, as I left gravity make it's course. I fall back, but not onto the hard ground as I expected. My arm tingles, still hurts from the acid. I can feel the warmth of him, already know who holds me against him before opening my eyes. Using everything I have, I open my eyes to see he is already staring back. Our deepest conversations have always happened this way, it's my one chance to truly know him. His mouth may be saying something, but I know with my soul that his eyes say otherwise. He speaks with Obito, words I don't bother to turn my attention to. I stare into the depths of his sharingan, trying to dig out the truth of Sasuke Uchiha. A truth that I think that I already may know.

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