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Tony Stark stood, defeated, as Secretary Ross walked away from him. Ross had just finished briefing the Avengers about the details of the Sokovia accords, and Stark was walking him out. It hadn't gone well.

As Ross opened the door of the Avengers training facility, Stark made a mental decision.

"Ross." He called out loudly, causing the grey haired man to stop in his tracks, as the younger man walked closer.

"I shouldn't be telling you this. But I know the address of Clint Barton. If things turn sour, and some people refuse to sign, I know that they might call him. And if they call him, I can most almost guarantee that he will bring the telekinetic girl he's been hiding there. She's a inactive Avenger."

"And how come I wasn't informed of this extra Avenger earlier?" Ross says in shock and annoyance.

"I wasn't supposed to tell anyone." Stark muttered.

"So why did you?" Ross says.

"Because she is easily more powerful than Maximoff. She was trained by the three top agents S.H.I.E.L.D had, and was originally intended to lead the Avengers, Ross. If she comes into play, we're screwed." Stark mutters darkly, handing him a piece of paper with Clint's address on it.

"Alright then." Ross says, taking it and stuffing it in his suit pocket, before turning on his heel.

"Promise you'll only take action if it comes to it?" Stark calls out, and Ross waves a hand.

"Your not in charge of me Stark." The man says, letting the glass door slam behind him.

Tony rubs his forehead. Things just keep getting worse.


Lola sat sullenly as the television drones on. Her uncle had left 2 hours ago, to go help Steve.

Lola flipped the cellphone back and forth in her palm. She had just gotten off the phone with her mother, who had explained in detail what was going on.

It sounded like a mess. King T'Chaka was dead. Steve Rogers was helping the suspected killer, his best friend from the 40's, who was a former brainwashed assassin. The beloved heroine of world war 2, Peggy Carter, had just recently passed away in her sleep. And Prince T'challa was found in a high-tech super suit that looked like a cat, which he was trying to use to murder Barnes.

"This is such a disaster." Lola groaned throwing her head back against the back of the couch.

Her aunt was gone, taking Cooper and Lila to school, meaning that she had taken baby Nathaniel with her, leaving Lola alone in the farmhouse, angry and sullen.

Lola was mad at her mom for trying to sign the accords, but in the back of her mind, Lola knew it was just her mom trying to keep their cover from getting blown. Even if it did seem like a direct offense towards the inactive Avenger, she chose to ignore it. Besides. None of this directly affected her. Nobody knew that Lola was secretly a Avenger. She was perfectly safe.

She remembered when Coulson had told her why he was training her. It had sounded crazy to her. She was just a kid. She shouldn't be leading a team of adults. She had been secretly relieved when they had found Steve under the ice.

But Lola snapped out of her daydream when she heard the unmistakable sound of the gravel crunching. But it was not one set of footsteps, but many, to heavy to be just her aunt and Nathaniel. Lola slowly slid herself off of the couch and onto the floor. She lay flat on the wood floorboards, and stuck her hand under the couch.

Strapped to the bottom of the couch was one pistol. Lola grabbed it, and cocked it. She gripped it tightly, and slowly stood up.

The footsteps had stopped, but Lola knew they were right by the porch. She gripped the gun tighter, pointing it at the door. If it was common robbers, or neighbors, she wouldn't want to reveal her powers, so she opted for the gun.

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