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Jason's pov

I gripped on the tape that was tied around my hands tightly. This steel chair I have been sitting for the past 2 days has been giving me a real pain on the ass, it wasn't pleasant at all. I looked at my other gang members who were in the same position as me, after Jake caught me back in the storage room he demanded his 'people' to search the room and sadly found my gang members and tied them up in chair in a dark room with a only a small amount of light. I knew something was going to go wrong, we have to find a way out of this.

"FUCK!"I yelled loudly, after attempting for the 105th time, to be exact, to get rid o this tape tied around my wrists.

"Jase, these aren't going to come off."Grayson groaned as he threw his head back in exhaustion.

"Shut up, smart ass."I snapped at him, I attempted again but this harder than the times before.

"Alfredo hasn't spoke for 2 days, what happened to him?"Jude asked.

"Maybe they caught him too?"Jordan shrugged.

"They couldn't have, we parked 6 feet away from the warehouse."Zach said.

"How the fuck did they caught you?"Cameron asked Alfredo.

"I have no fucking clue."Alfredo shrugged.

"GAH!"I yelled again, this tapes are so fucking hard to come off.

"These dumbasses don't know we have ear pieces."Chris chuckled, I glared at him. This wasn't the time to joke around, we hand to get out of this fucking place now.

My poor princess. She must be worried sick about me, I promised her that I was coming back and here I am stuck in a fucking room trying to get out. I hope she's doing okay, and I hope she understands what happened after we get out of this hell hole.

The door slammed open, revealing Jake's ass. His smirk never left his face these past two days, and I wanted to wipe it off so badly. He walked in the room and stared at us for a a second, the blood boils inside of me. This fucker doesn't know who he is messing with.

"It's funny watching you guys struggle."Jake chuckled evilly. "You ain't never getting out of here."

"Shut your dumbass."I spat. "You're not capable of what I can do."

"Oh yes I do."Jake laughed historically. "I know your plans and moves. I know everything about you."

"Can't you just leave us the fuck alone already?"Cameron yelled. "What else do you want from us? We just want to live in peace, we don't want you up our ass every time you don't get your shit."

"I can't leave you alone, but I chose not to."he smiled in a fake way. "Jason gets what he wants and how he wants. He has the power for everything and always felt like he was in control of everything. He killed my fucking family, he made me live in hell for 10 fucking years and he still doesn't give one damn about how I felt? No, that's not correct."

"How is your family's death my fault?"I argued. "I tried saving your family's life but they didn't want to get out I the fucking house that was burning into ashes, they chose to stay there because they tried saving they're precious fortunes. "

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