chapter 38

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Few days later.

Alexander  finished his meeting on time , having to deal with a lot of meetings here and there , also dealing with Logan's case, his house had been searched for maybe any evidence or anything leading to his where about , they are still trying to hack into his line as well, Logan was sure a smart man, he might be close and they think his far, Alexander  told the inspector to add more men who will do the search and he added 7 more men into the 15 , he was gonna do all he can to make sure Logan is captured.

After so much work , he was done for the day and can't wait to go back home to Diana arriving home Andrew opened the door for Alexander  and took his briefcase as they head in, Andrews phone began ringing and Alexander  turned to him knowing it might probably be his girlfriend.

" Go on" he says taking his brief case from him and andrew went back to receive his call, yes Andrew was his bodyguard but the closest to him, and he takes him as a younger brother and he also knows a little about him more than the rest of the guards.

Heading into the living room everywhere was quite, so he head up the stairs thinking maybe she was asleep, but it was not late yet just 7pm...... opening the bedroom door didn't see anyone.

"Diana " he called going over to the bed and dropping his briefcase , his eyes scanning round , where was she? He wondered pulling his jacket a sudden fear entered him, did she leave the house ?

"Diana "he calls again

He opened the adjoined door and head in .

"Diana " he calls .

"Over here " relief washed over him when he heard her voice and he entered the bathroom, there he saw her bend over the tub , wearing a sexy see through nightie which barely covered her ass making her panties show , she was making bubbles in the tub according to what he saw .

"Over here " relief washed over him when he heard her voice and he entered the bathroom, there he saw her bend over the tub , wearing a sexy see through nightie which barely covered her ass making her panties show , she was making bubbles in the t...

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"Hey ......" She stood straight turning to him as he walked closer to her, his eyes went to her pointed nipple which was poking out of her nightie knew she wasn't wearing a bra , his lion suddenly hardened.

"What are you doing?" He asked .

"Making a bath for you of course" she says wrapping her arms around his neck and Perking his lips ,he raised an eyebrow at her, his eyes caught the shaving cream near the tub.

" What you doing with that ? " he asked wrapping his arms around her waist and she smiled and started unbuttoning his shirt as he stared at her .

"Remember am shaving you " she says and a grin appear on his face remembering she wanted to shave him, she had said it earlier that his beards were becoming much and needed a shave , when she had said she will be the one doing it , he wasted no time agreeing to it, but forgot due to all the matter here and there.

DoRtY  DaIAnA✔️(18+) Unedited Where stories live. Discover now