The Clan was frantic searching for the missing kit. Yellowstem sniffed around Moss-Rocks, ears pinned at the thought that Berrystar's apparent 'deputy' had stolen Pinekit, and Crowtalon was worried sick, constantly telling warriors to search here, and there. And Yellowstem was unfortunately one of them.
The brown and black tabby tom huffed, twitching his tail. of all days to search, why the hottest one? He panted a little, the heat of Greenleaf making him a little dizzy. He shook off his irritation and continued searching, checking every place where a tiny kit like him could hide.
Eaglewing, as usual, wasn't helping and seemed to always try and sway him against Fernstar.
"Yeah, she doesn't want to kill an old clanmate. Totally a reason to start a rebellion." Yellowstem muttered to himself, flicking the tip of his tail.
Eventually the heat was too much to bear, and Yellowstem went back to Camp.
Rosetail sidled up to him the second he entered camp.
"Hey," she said, looking up at him with adoring blue eyes.
"Hey, Rosetail." Yellowstem purred and touched his nose to her flank.
"Crowtalon's going crazy. Pinekit probably slipped out and got stuck in a bramble bush!" Rosetail laughed lightly, and Yellowstem joined when when the image of the kit stuck in a bramble bush for a day stuck into his mind.
"Yellowstem!" A voice called, and Yellowstem turned to see Eaglewing trotting towards him, eyes narrowed.
"Ugh, him again?" Rosetail grumbled.
Yellowstem groaned and reluctantly trotted towards Eaglewing.
"What now, Eaglewing?" Yellowstem deadpanned, flicking his tail.
"Fernstar still refuses to let me track down and kill Berrystar." Eaglewing spat the name as if it were a sour piece of crowfood in his mouth.
"And? She's lucky she's with other cats right now."
"Unless you've got something actually intelligent to say, I'll be going now." Yellowstem said, trotting off with his tail flicking behind him.
Eaglewing's jaw dropped.
He muttered a curse.
The next morning Yellowstem found himself on the dawn patrol with Snowfur, Dawnfrost and Cindersplash.
"Fine morning, isn't it?" Snowfur said, marking the IceClan border.
"For a hot day, I guess so." Dawnfrost muttered, his long black tabby fur drawing in the warmth, resulting in his fur fluffing up to dispel the heat, making Dawnfrost look like a black cloud.
Cindersplash had to restrain a laugh.
Dawnfrost glared at her, and Yellowstem almost started Murrowing in laughter too.
Snowfur tried, and failed to keep a straight face.
Dawnfrost glared at the patrol, then started laughing too.
After the bout of laughter, resulting in many cats wheezing, they (finally) decided to continue with the patrol.
As they headed along the SandClan border, Dawnfrost heard his name being hissed.
"Hey, I'll be right back. I've gotta.. make dirt?" He quieried, a puzzled look on his face.
"Uhmm.. Alright?" Cindersplash said, glancing at Yellowstem.
"Be right back!" Dawnfrost said quickly and disappeared into the brush.
"That cat is insane." Snowfur murmured, then led the rest if the patrol onwards.
"Sunpaw?" Dawnfrost whispered, creeping through the hedges that sometimes grew in SandClan territory.
Suddenly the tawny and light ginger tabby she-cat tumbled out and crashed into Dawnfrost.
"Oof!" He bleated, suddenly shoved down to the ground.
"Ah, hehe, sorry?" Sunpaw tried, hastily scrambling off of Dawnfrost.
"You squashed me flat!" Dawnfrost said, rubbing his sore chest with a forepaw.
"I didn't mean to, Dawnpaw. A cactus owl scared me."
"Actually, its Dawnfrost." He added, flicking his tail.
"What a coincidence! I'm Sunflight now!" She beamed, sitting up tall.
"Pretty name. Suits you." Dawnfrost expressed, ear tips suddenly warm.
"Oh shut up." Sunflight sputtered, caught off-guard.
"But it's true!"
Sunflight chuckled, and playfully flciked her tail against his ear.
"Nice to see you again, though. Snakestar's had us running around the territory like rabbits!"
Dawnfrost tipped his head to the side in an unspoken question.
"Ever since he got back from the joint patrol, he's been putting up more patrols, putting up a strict training schedule for young warriors and apprentices, and had us reinforce the entire camp!" Sunflight ranted, hissing softly.
"He's worried about Berrystar and her foxhearted WolfClan followers, right?"
"I don't know. He was fine one day, then suddenly really paranoid. Talking about some sort of WolfClan 'deputy'"
Dawnfrost recoiled with a grimace.
Sunflight shivered.
"We heard the same thing, Berrystar has some sort of deputy. She attacked the Camp when me and Cindersplash were standing vigil." Dawnfrost growled softly at the memory.
"Strange," Sunfligh murmured thoughtfully. "But I have an idea. Why don't we meet up tonight, over by the Icepool?"
For a moment, Dawnfrost was stunned then agreed.
"W-why?" He babbled, eyes wide with surprise.
"No reason," she shrugged then bumped him playfully with her shoulder. "But it would be nice to hang out, even if it's against the warrior code."
Suddenly Dawnfrost heard his name being called from the patrol.
"Gotta go!" He leaned to touch his nose to her ear, but Sunflight moved her head and muzzle at the last moment and made his nose touch hers.
"Bye." She breathed, and trotted off into the desert.
With shaking paws, Dawnfrost raced off to his patrol.
"What took you so long? We finished patrolling the SandClan border." Snowfur muttered, flicking his tail.
"Uhmm.. Dodgy sparrow I ate yesterday" he stammered.
Snowfur narrowed his eyes. "Whatever you say," he finally said.
"But we need to get to camp, alright?"
Dawnfrost nodded and followed at the tail of the patrol.
Warriors: Dawn Of The Forest
ActionIn a case of clanmate turned against clanmate, leader Fernstar is thrust into a war. A war caused by a single cat of her Clan. Join ForestClan, TundraClan and SandClan in their desperate race for survival.