Hurt III😢

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Words hurt. I know.

But do all the harsh words hurt you? No.

Those told by your loved ones,

Those told by people you care,

Those told by people you trust,

Those words hurt.


Only people you love hurt you, not strangers.

Truth is bitter, did someone said lie is bitter too? I don't think so.


Bullies out there, bashing you, accusing you of something you never did. Saying "You are a bitch. You are a slut. You killed someone. You are useless. You know nothing. You want attention. Your writing sucks. Your not worthy. Blah blah blah"

why does it affect you?

Do you know the person personally? No.
Does the person know you personally? No.
Are all those accusations true? No.

You know who you are. You know what right and wrong you did. LIES of these bullies must be ignored by you. Don't stress over them and take an extreme decision just because of that. Life is precious. Dont kill yourself for these STRANGERS WHO SAID NOTHING BUT ACCUSED YOU FOR SOMETHING YOU NEVER DID, FOR SOMETHING YOU ARE NOT.


This is just a small world of internet. The world outside this is too big and cruel. You will have to face them. Prepare yourself. Stop giving your attention to these bullies, but give attention to your real life.

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