Chapter Twenty Three

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"Babe they're almost here, wake up" I said to Achak. He had a migraine and had took a nap.

"How you feeling?" I asked as he sat up. I heard him groan and reach out to pull me on top of him. i smiled and held onto him.

"Much better" he said smiling.

"Baby...we gotta go downstairs" I said mumbling as he pushed his head in the crook of my neck.

"one sec" he said sniffing and kissing my neck. I closed my eyes as he did that. I watched as he got up from on top of me and looked for something to wear. He was only in sweatpants which seemed to make him look even hotter. I found myself licking my lips as he took off the sweatpants and change into skinny jeans and a simple button up white shirt. I pulled of my clothes and put on a white fitted dress to match his shirt.

"Ughh you're so delicious" he said. I giggled and fixed the dress carefully.

"get a white onesie for Adriana to wear." I said still laughing at him.He picked out a floral one and I smiled at it. Vee had got that one for her.

I let him change her diaper and wipe her with wipes and put on her clothes.

"Come on princess, and my queen" Achak said holding out his hands. I smiled and held onto his hand as we walked downstairs.

"Alpha Greyson has a mate?" I asked.

"Nah hes given up on finding his mate, He's 25 and he hasn't found his mate. I feel bad for him. Only a few members of our pack haven't found mates either, like Lucy, Asmara, Ethan, Keisha" he said listing names.

"Ohhhh hmm, yeah that's sad" I said holding Adriana. I smiled at Vee as she headed downstairs with Simon and Iris,  who Simon was holding carefully. She wore a nice pink dress while Simon wore a plaid button up shirt. I was a bit nervous to meet Alpha Greyson. I was gonna be introduced as the Luna for the first time to someone not in our pack.

We stood out on the front lawn with the rest of our pack. We smelled some of our pack warriors along with about 70 other scents. That was the Purus Lupus Pack. 

I watched as they filed into one line and our pack warriors stayed behind them. I nodded and watched as they simply walked away and bowed. I smile at the Pack and they all bowed.

"Good to see you Achak" Greyson said walking up. Warrior Packs were greatly known for helping out other packs.

"Still looking the Same Greyson" they said hugging each other. Greyson was slightly taller than Achak with long dreadlocks that were red at the bottom. He looked a bit older than Achak too.

"Welcome to the shadow valley pack, this is Luna Charity and my baby girl Adriana Rose." Achak said beaming with happiness. I watched as Greyson bowed.

"Hello young one great to meet you" he said smiling.

"I am Alpha Greyson and this is the Purus Lupus Pack" he said waving his hand at them. I motioned for my pack to bow and we all bowed along with Achak.

"Come on in, we have some rooms set up then we'll have lunch. Training starts tomorrow" I said. I held onto Adriana and was about to walk inside when the twins, Chris and Ethan, ran out the house panting.

I rolled my eyes at them and sighed.

"Sorry he forgot to wake me up" Ethan said grinning.

"No i didn't you idiot" Chris said. I rolled my eyes again and heard Achak face palm his forehead.

Before I could speak again I heard Greyson mutter something.

"Mate" he said with his eyes pitch black.

"Mate" I heard. I turned back around to see Ethan with black eyes too. I smiled as Achak pulled me back a little so I wasn't in there way. 

"I knew he was gay" Achak said.

"Did he tell you?" I asked.

"Yeah, bout 3 years ago when we were in high school. We've known each other since high school." he said. I watched as they hugged each other and shared a passionate kiss.

"AWWWWWWWW OKAY CAN WE GO EAT NOW" Vee said breaking the moment.

I saw Simon try to cover her mouth.

"Shhh" I said. I laughed as she rolled her eyes and headed inside mumbling something about food. I looked to see Ethan and Greyson holding hands but both were blushing fiercely.

"Umm hmm we should settle in and go eat" Greyson said.

"good Idea, then you two noodle heads can have your time to get to know each other" Vee said sticking her head out the window and wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed and started to head inside with the rest of the pack.

I turned quickly as a gust of wind hit my hair. Turning around I looked at the sky for a minute. Adriana was calm in my arms and I heard Achak talking to Vee. Practically yelling. Everything seemed to slow down as I looked at the sky. I could smell it...and it was gonna be bad...

"Baby....princes...Charity" Achak said shaking me slowly. I shook my head and looked up at him.

"Your eyes" he said. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt my eyes turn back to my normal color and the runes go away.

"Whats wrong" he asked.

"i could smell it...theres a storm coming..a really bad one. Its a sign. The goddess she's sad and upset. We have to end this war soon" I said handing him Adriana.

"I know baby.. we will. I promise. When is the storm coming and how bad?"  he asked.

"Very bad and tonight...its headed this way. Its a signal. A test. A warning kind of. I don't know why but she says the storm will help" I said.

"i understand, lets get inside. I'll get some people to lockdown everything and secure it. We're all sleeping in the storm shelter" he said. I nodded and headed inside. 

It was a physical storm. But soon another storm will come about. And we'll be on different sides.

Man vs SUpernatural. Or so I thought.

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