Chapter 7

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Axle sits down next to Liam sighing, not wanting to watch this movie at all.

"Come on. At least pretend to be happy." Liam says tilting his head like he always does. Axle sighs making himself do a fake smile.

"Thank you." Liam says. Soon the opening song comes on and he is singing without restraint. That's the only thing he is proud of. His singing voice.

His skinny legs swinging back and forth. He's so short his legs don't even reach the floor from the couch. Axle looks at him annoyed but internally surprised at such a beautiful voice.

Liam's voice was contralto. A mixture of alto and soprano. In simpler terms it's a high and low voice.

Liam stops singing. Out of breath.

"That was tiring." Liam says.

"Well you did good..." Then Axle realizes what he said when Liam did his adorable head tilt internally questioning why Axle had complimented him.

"I-I mean uh that you uh.....sound okay...I mean"

Liam frowns. But then smirks.

"Don't think you're special." Axle rolls his eyes. Liam just giggles and turns his attention back to the Little Mermaid.

Axle catches a glimpse of Liam. He realizes how soft Liam's face is but his nose is very strong. His eyebrows are bushy but sharp yet his eye shape is soft and his eyes are empty except when he sings. He lips are pink and plump as his skin is white which makes it look like he has lipstick on. His skin is very clear. No moles, bumps, acne. It's beautiful.

I bet all the scars are below his head. Axle thinks wanting to see the severity of them. Liam sees from his peripherals that Axle is looking at him intensely. But he ignores it.

Axle notices that after a while Liam is starting to fall asleep like a puppy. But he soon lays his head on a pillow. Axle just stares at how he peaceful he looks. When he is awake it seems like his eyebrows are always furrowed. But he's too adorable to be mad.

"Goodnight then." Axle rolls his eyes and puts the cover over Liam before going to his room.


Axle wakes up at 8 and gets ready for another. Yeah he's very late but he's always late. Liam woke up and left. School starts at 8. Once he's ready it's about 8:10. He starts walking and is at school at about 8:15.

"Hello Axle. Glad you wanted to join us." Mrs. Jessica says. The only seat left is by Liam so he sits by him.

That's how the desks are designed but the bench part is smaller so it's for 2

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That's how the desks are designed but the bench part is smaller so it's for 2.

Liam is knocked out sleeping. A granola bar in his mouth and a pencil in his hand. Axle raises an eyebrow as he puts his back pack down to sleep too.

Axle sighs as he folds his arms to lay his head down but he puts his hood on before his head hits his arms. During class all the girls were looking at the relaxed Axle sleeping peacefully. Girls try to catch a glimpse before he wakes up.

Liam starts twitching his leg out of nowhere. But its completely involuntary. Then he begins to whimper softly. No one can hear it but Axle. His eyes shoot open and he looks at Liam.

The only time he looks peaceful...but now he looks scared and worried. But he's sleeping. This just shouldn't be.

Liam fliches.

No one even touched him... Axle thought.

Liam shoots up. He gasps softly. But since it is the morning and everyone is dead no one heard or cared.

Liam shakes his head and runs out the classroom grabbing his bag. No one notices except Axle.

Axle frowns and gets up going to check on him.

Liam enters the bathroom starting to sweat. He pants and starts to cough. He gasps for air as he feels his throat closing in.

"Oh my God Liam." Liam turns around and sees Troy coming to his side. Troy immediately scoops him up and sits Liam in between his legs on the ground. Troy holds Liam's nose so he won't breath through it.

Axle walks in and is shocked at what he sees.

"What the hell are doing?! You'll kill him!" Axle screams coming closer to Troy. Troy puts his free hand up stopping Axle.

"I know what I'm doing." Troy rolls his eyes. He uses his free hand to rub Liam's hair and brush through it with his fingers. Then he caresses Liam's cheek. Liam starts to calm down. Troy lets go of Liam's nose. Liam relaxes and smiles.

"How did you know what to do?" Axle asks.

"I used to have panic attacks and my big brother would tell me what to do."

"Liam was having a panic attack?"

"Yes he was." Troy nods as he runs his hands through Liam's hair. Liam smiles and inches his head closer to Troy's hand. Like a puppy.

Liam is sitting between Troy's legs and his head Liam's head is against his chest.

"What's wrong with him now?" Axle asks.

"He's in a trans-like-state. He'll wake up soon."

"Okay...I'll go then I guess." Axle shrugs not caring anymore. He walks into class and everyone looks at him except the teacher. The girls blush as he sits down. They pass him notes as he winks at each and every one of them.
Now back to Triam. (Their ship name)

Liam starts breathing normally and wakes up fully.

"Are you okay now?" Troy asks. Liam nods.

"What happened?" Troy asks.

"I don't know...I guess it was because I had a nightmare."

"What was it about?"

"I don't remember. I just now it was scary." Liam looks down from Troy's worried eyes.

"You should go home."

"No. I've missed one day and it's only Thursday."

"Yeah I know." Troy says. Troy lets Liam get up and then he gets up.

"How's your leg?" Troy looks down noticing a less limp.

"It's doesn't hurt as much." Liam shrugs.

" I'll walk you home. Just wait for me in the lobby."

"Ok. Thank you for helping me." Liam says smiling.

"Of course." Troy smiles back.

They walk out the bathroom going their separate ways. Liam walks in the class and again no one notices except Axle. When Liam sits down Axle looks at him. Searching his face for any sign of sadness. But not anymore.

"You good now?"

"Yeah. I don't necessarily know what happened." Liam says taking notes.

"Oh..well okay." Axle says falling back to sleep.

Liam wants to remember his dream. He thinks it's important. Like it's telling him a way to leave.

But the weird part is...

He remembers blood...

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