This is the sequel of the book 1 the son of Nyx.
After the war, the peace came back, but there was a price, the primordial gods didn't have their place in the history of Sallycia...this is the beginning of a new adventure...
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Third P.O.V.
" hurry up!!! We don't have all day to get there!!!"
" shut up Old man!!!"
" O-old man? How dare you!!! You brat!!!"
The loud voice could be heard in the entire sky palace.
Naruto was in his room packing his stuff for his journey in the human continent better know as the Hirios continent, the continent of the humans. Most of the countries in that continent are at war against the Fox Kingdom, except few like the magical Kingdom which they are going to...
The magical kingdom is placed or more like surrounded by five countries.
The magical kingdom isn't like his neighbours...he's not racist against the other species.
I mean they accept the presence of demons and angels in their country.
The magical kingdom is also one of the safest and peaceful places in the entire world, because, in the past, the magical Kingdom is and still allied with every country making it the safest place...if a country tries to invade it, well that country would get the rest of the world as its enemy.
The magical kingdom possesses something that the other country don't, the Magic Academy, a school where everyone of high status or has powerful magic goes to...for three years of course. Since its the best school to learn.
" How can you take so long!!!!!" Nox was waiting at the doorstep of Naruto's room which was still packing his stuff.
"shut up!!! And I'm done!"
" finally!!" Naruto rolled his eyes.
The two of them bid their farewell to the angels at the palace and left.
Nox started walking down the mountain...
" what are you doing?" Naruto looked at Nox as if he was crazy.
" Uhm? What do you mean? I'm going down don't you see?" Nox raised his eyebrow.
" uh, you aren't flashing us there?" Naruto was clearly surprised.
" No, I don't have that much power, it's sealed, sure I can still flash, but not that far, and don't you think it would be suspicious if humans see us appear like that? They don't have that kind of talent you know!" Nox didn't look back since he was concentrated on climbing down...
The two of them descended the mountain.
It was the first time that Naruto was out of the Palace, the first time he touched the outside ground, the first time in the outside world. He was too scared to not obey his big brother when he was younger.
Naruto noticed that they haven't met any 'scary monster' since they left the palace.
" Big brother where are the monsters?" Naruto looked around. Nox looked at him and threw him a Cheshire smile.