Chapter 4

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Like his brother said, the library was quiet, undisturbed and no weirdo dog with blond fetish as Nox put it.

Sometimes Naruto didn't understand what his older brother says.

Mostly when Nox is in a fit.

He did mention a duck butt once...Naruto didn't want to know where that came from.

Right now Naruto was alone in the library, it seemed that all the students stayed outside and didn't want to get close to books, which Naruto didn't was quiet like in the Sky Palace when his friends the three Angels and him were doing quite nothing.

Silence, it's really quiet around here.

Naruto sat silently reading a few books, mostly about the kingdoms around here or about the wars all around the continent. In the Sky Palace, they had a library, but Nox wasn't interested in the wars that were going around him at that time since Nox knew of them perfectly.

Naruto continued to read until the sound of someone walking in the library was heard.

'Is it the stalker?' Naruto asked his older brother.

[She's not, she's the angel girl from the exam who came in third place]

Knowing that it wasn't the stalker Naruto relaxed instantly, he resumed his reading happily but it stopped when someone sat at the same table and in front of him, Naruto looked up annoyed.

The girl was blushing at him. Naruto left a soft sigh, he couldn't stay mad at that image, it reeked, the girl was extremely shy...really shy.




[Eeep??? Hahahahahahahahaha] Naruto ignored his brother's laughter. The sound that the Angel let out surprised him, that sound wasn't the first thing he expected to come out of her mouth.

" Sorry! I-I a-am extra-extremely sorry! I'm really sorry" The angel started apologizing making the silent library to become loud.

" I get it, there's no need to apologize," Naruto said monotonously, trying to help the girl and trying to get the silence back.

" I-I thank you!" Naruto nodded.

" Kitsune-Uzumaki-san"

" Call me Naruto"

"Y- Yes then, Naruto-Kun, please call me Hinata"

" No, Naruto is alright, Hinata" Naruto shook his head. Hinata blushed harsher.

" So what do you want?" Naruto went straight to the point, there was no point on just surrounding the subject.

" Ah! Please be my friend! " Naruto was startled for the second time of the day. He didn't expect that to come out of her mouth either. Well, she was an Angel and not a filthy Human.
Plus he didn't see any downside to this relationship.

" Ok, I'll be in your care Hinata" Hinata blinked a few times before smiling brightly, must be an Angel ability. Plus making friends was also why Naruto came to this school.

" I'll be in your care too, Naruto" Naruto nodded.

Naruto went back to his book, Hinata was looking around silently, which Naruto was extremely grateful, that was a big plus for Naruto.

But Naruto was also annoyed, yes he was grateful for the silence, even her footsteps were silent, but she was moving too much for his taste.

" Are you ready for our exam, this Friday? " Naruto asked his voice was stronger thanks to the Echo.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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