On The Phone

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When my sister was young, my parents got her a personal “phone” – a landline so that she could feel ‘special’ (yes, she was extra spoiled). It was a pre-paid landline though, so basically no one could call in or out if she ran out of credit, much like a mobile phone. Anyway, every night at 3am her phone would ring. She said there was a man on the other line, and she would get really scared and come running to my room. It escalated to the point that I asked her to please disconnect her phone before going to sleep because it was becoming extremely annoying to get woken up every single night by this ‘person’ that called her. To be honest, since she was about 10, I thought it was just these stupid scary movies she liked to watch. Eventually she just got rid of the phone.

In any case, I recall this stopping. A few years ago we were talking about it, and she confessed that her phone continued to ring even after she disconnected it, which is why she said she didn’t want it anymore. She has no recollection of what the person on the other end was saying, or maybe she’s just completely blocked it out.

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