Chapter 5: Pizza and Dr. Pepper, My Favorite

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My eyes kept darting from my closet to my clock. I was trying to pick out an outfit for tonight but I was over thinking it. At first I was going to go in jeans so i'm relaxed, but now I don't know.

So I grab my phone off the end table and dial Chelsy's number.

"Wear your pajama's." She said right away into the phone.

"How'd you know I was calling for that?"

"Because I know you. But seriously, wear your bears yoga pants and your Knox jersey. You look super cute in it!" She said and I sighed.

"I don't know who I want. Chris seems nice too..." I trail off.

"Give them both a shot. Go out to dinner with Axel and go to the club with Chris. You're not exclusive to anyone, so no harm no foul."

"Okay." I say as the doorbell rang. My eyes dart to the clock. 8:55. "He's early."

"Let him wait. You get ready first." She said in a coaching voice.

"Kay. Bye." I said then threw my phone on the bed as I quickly got ready.

Not even a minute later, I opened the door to a beautiful Axel with rosey cheeks from the wind. I smiled shyly and let him in.

"I wasn't expecting you this early." I said as I hung up his coat.

"I'm only four minutes early. You can't be mad at me because I brought pizza!" He said as his eyes looked me up and down. "Are we having a sleepover?" He asked with his eyebrow raised.

"No. I'm just in the mood to be comfy and pig out on pizza." I said as I took the pizza into the kitchen and brought out two plates and two cups.

"Do you want ice?" I asked as I turned to face him.

He was no more than six inches from my face and he was just looking at me. He smelt delectable and my breathing started to increase as my eyes met his. He smiled and placed his hand on my cheek and started to lean in.

My eyes started drooping and I started leaning in too. I'd waited for this since high school.

BAM. Ice ran through my veins as my eyes shot open and I moved away from him. This caused his eyes to open and his features to show confusion.

"Ice?" I asked in a cold voice. And no, no pun intended.

"Uh, yeah." He said as he walked around the island to the pizza box.

I stuck the glasses under the ice dispenser and filled them up about half way before pouring the Dr. Pepper into them.

"You can take the pizza into the living room. I'll bring the drinks and napkins out in a minute."

"Okay." He said before walking into the living room.

Now i'm freaking out. We were just supposed to have pizza and talk. Nothing like that was supposed to happen. Ever.

So I picked up the napkins and glasses and walked into the living room.

"Here ya go." I said while placing the soda down in from of him.

"Thanks." He said as I sat down and took a bite of my pizza.

"So let's talk." Axel asked after several moments of silence.

"About what?"


I raised my eyebrow.

"What about me?"

"How's it been living here? Cold, eh? I'm not ready for this change in weather."

I shrugged.

"You get used to it. I actually love the cold weather. Snow angels are my favorite." I said with a smile.

"Yeah. I can see that you've abandoned the Texans for those grizzlies, huh?" He said with a laugh.

"I definitely have. My friend, Chelsy, actually convinced me to go to a game with her. Next thing you know I put in a request to have season tickets." I said with a laugh.

"Woah, really?"

"Yeah. I guess the wait wasn't that long. I've had my seats for about two years now."

"You have to take me to a game! Please?" He practically begged.

"Sure. How long are you here for?" 


"What?!" I said a little too loudly.

"I was transferred here from my business back in Houston, so I looked you up. I knew you were here because you went to Loyola. So I thought i'd try and make it up to you." He said and shrugged.

"What makes you think I would have wanted to see you?" I asked honestly.

"I didn't think you did..." He paused. "I hoped."

He raised his head and looked at me. His blue eyes were sad, like he was sorry for what he did. And it made me feel bad. I had let it go when I left Texas, but he had carried the guilt with him the whole time. Maybe that's what influenced me to say what I did.

"Yes." I stated.

"Yes what?"

"I'll go to dinner with you." I clarified with a smile.

He returned it, but his face showed skepticism. 

"Really? This isn't going to be like a punishment where you say yes but stand me up, right?"

I shook my head.

"No. I was talking to Chelsy this afternoon and she convinced me to say yes to both of you."

"Both?" He asked.

"You and Chris."

His smile dropped of of his face.

"Why would you say yes to him?"

"Because he wants to take me on a date. You want to talk as friends. There's a difference."

"My proposition wasn't a date?" Axel asked. Amusement and sadness were present in his gaze.

"You meant it as one?" I shot back.

"Well, kind of. I really liked you, Laur. I messed that up in high school. But when I heard I was transferring here, I thought i'd give it another shot.

"Okay then. It's a date. When?"

"Friday. I'll pick you up at 7. Be ready."

"Sounds lovely." I said and took another bite of my now cold pizza.

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