Chapter 12: The Skydeck

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"Chels, I need to talk to you." I said into the receiver of my phone.

"Sure. Let's go for lunch. I can get us into the Skydeck." She said.

"Let's do this." I said with a smile.

"Great! Grab your purse and meet me at my desk in five."

"Yes ma'am."

I hung up the phone and grabbed my purse as I walked out of my office. I locked the door and continued down the hall. I heard my name being call and I looked back angrily.

"What do you want?" I snapped. He caught up to me but I just kept on walking.

"To apologize." Chris said.

"Apologize?! You're lucky i'm not going to the President about this because--"

"I already did that."

"What?" I blinked in surprise. He turned himself in.

"I have a problem, and i'm going to get help for it."

"Oh, well, that's good for you. Who are they replacing you with?" I asked curiously.

"Garrett Walters. He's a transfer from Indiana. They're bringing him up temporarily." He said and I nodded.

"Well, I have to get going. Good luck with everything, Chris."

"Take care, Laur."


Chelsy and I were walking up to the Skydeck only to see a gigantic line. There's not a chance in hell that we're getting in. 

"Should be turn back now?" I asked.

"Please. We get to skip the line." She said with a smile. "Don!"

A short, chubby man in black pants and a black shirt that had the word SECURITY in yellow on the front appeared.

He smiled a big smile and waved feebly. "Oh hello, Chelsy. I'm glad you stopped by. I had my table all made for you guys." He nodded towards me. "I'm Donald Anderson. Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine." I said with a smile.

"She's so polite. Why did she want to be friends with you again?" He joked. "I'm just kidding. Here are your passes to get in." He said and handed us two lanyards with VIP on them. "Now follow me."

We were walking behind Don, and I was holding onto Chelsy while watching people in line. There had to be about 120 people there. I felt bad for cutting the line, but I guess today we were special.

"Hey, isn't that Axel?" Chelsy asked and nodded.

"Yeah, that's him." He was standing by Anthony, Darcy, and Sam. Guess he had forgotten all about me, because he didn't call me last night. Maybe I was just a phase... "I'll tell you about it inside." I said as we were nearing them.

"Excuse me! Move over please." Don said as he was trying to make a path through the people.

I looked up and -accidentally- caught Axel's eye. Contrary to what I usually would do, I kept my head up. I did, however, hear Sam.

"How is she getting in VIP?" 

"Special guest." He stated simply.

"But we've been here for an hour." She whined.

"They can bring guests if they like." Don said and looked at me.

I looked at the four people in front of me. They'd always been the one's putting me down, and now look where I was.

"Sorry. I don't know them." I said and looked at Chelsy.

"Okay, let's get you to your table." Don said and led us in.

It was a beautiful interior and I knew that's why so many people wanted to get in. It was just a wondrous sight to see.

When we were seated and had already ordered, Chelsy cracked down.

"So, why was your boyfriend in line with that Ginger barbie?"

"That's Samantha Stevenson. She's his ex. They loved each other, then she broke his heart and now, after five years, she's back. She just showed up at his doe and he forgot all about his loser girlfriend."

"No way! What a bitch. I'll go talk to him." She said, but I grabbed her arm before she could get up.

"No, it's okay. I'm over it. If he wants her, that's fine. I'll just move on."

"To who? Chris again?" She said then smacked her forehead. "God, I didn't mean that."

I took a sip of my sprite.

"Actually, I talked to him today. He's transferring out to get help. His replacement, I heard, was hot." I said with a smile.

"Oh. no way, do you have a name for me?"


"mmm, sounds hot. You can have him."

"Really?" I said, shocked.

"Yeah, I have my eye on this boy already. And since Axel's fucking up, I think you need it."

"Thanks. SO how's this boy come in?"

"I met him two nights ago. His name's Derek."

"When do I get to meet him?" I asked with a smile.

"Maybe tomorrow. I'll let you know. He's really busy."

I nodded and ate my meal. It was so delicious. I have to find out how Chelsy manages to get in and VIP.

After we finished, we payed and walked outside. Axel and his friends were still in line, but they were about 5 groups back now. Not bad. But he saw me, and came up to me.


"I get it. Don't sweat it. We can still be friends though." I said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Do I have to freaking spell it out for him?!

"Sam's back, and I get it. You guys have history. I understand."

"But I don't."

Good God this guy...

"Oh come on. Don't beat around the bush. I'm a big girl. I can handle it."

"Lauren, I really don't get it." Axel said again.

Jesus, I'll do it.

"Fine. Then I'll do it." I said and sighed. "It was great while it lasted Axel, but I can see your priority now. It's just not meant to happen. Have fun with Sam. Bye."

I turned around and walked to the car with Chelsy. There are no words to describe what I just did. I was feeling a bit of empowerment because, for once, I got to end something before it could end me.

"That was ballsy." Chelsy said as we drove back to the hospital.

"I know, but it had to be done. He loves her, and I didn't want to be the one to get hurt this time."

"I don't know, El. He looked genuinely confused and hurt."

"No. He's not hurt. He just looked like that so I thought I won. He didn't break me. I got him off the hook."

"You, my friend, are a strange person." Chelsy said with a laugh.

"Yeah, and boys are stupid."

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