Chapter 3: The Note

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Yugi With bakura's help snuck back inside and left a runingaway note on thegame shop table. Where atem would defintly see it. He then walked back outside with atem's keeys to his car. Yugi tossed them to marik who unlocked the car as everyone with their luggage hopped in. Marik then started the car to life, and with a might roar from the engine they were off to the airport.

Yugi lit a cigerate as they drove and took his first smoke.....

 The next day after comming home late from one of tea's parties, yami discorverd yugi's runaway note and the smashed puzzle. He gasped and ran to the puzzle trying to put it back togther so he could find his partner but to no avail.....Yami promptly called joey, tristain,duke, and tea over....

 When kabiacalled and asked when moukbia wanted to be picked up from his sleep over with yugi. that was the lie moukbia told his older brother. Inorder for him to leave without seto wondering where he was.

 Atem promptly told kabia the truth which made kabia look into his bank acoount to see a massiveamount of money stolen. Atem winced as he heard kabia's furrious scream echo through the phone.

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