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I got through! If it wasn't for Katy Perry I wouldn't be here today so thank you Katy. I was so happy and now it's time for bootcamp, I am so nervous again! This time I sang my heart out and danced my heart out. I think the singing was god, but the dancing? I was rubbish, I was all over the place! I hope that doesn't effect me getting through! xo

Right it's time to hear the news, is it good or bad? I got up on stage with everyone and looked aound me, there was people here who looked so much better than me, maybe just maybe I still have a chance.

It was time for them to call out the names for the people who got through, it came up to the last name and I still hadn't been called, the name was.......

Tom Richards

I didn't get through I failed. I just wanted to be loved by the judges

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