Chapter 3

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I wake up at 1:46, wondering why I'd slept so late. I quickly walk to the bathroom and wash my face, then look back up. My short-ish black hair is looking alright today, and my dark black eyes look tired. I just realize now that I'm kind of pale.. Not vampire pale, but.. Pale.

I walk downstairs in hopes that my mother, or at least my brother had cooked breakfast for me.

Nope. I also just realize now that it's a Monday, and I've missed more than half of school. By now, I would've been in history class. Thank god I missed that!

I walk up to my room and play Skyrim for the rest of the day, and at 4:23 my mom finally comes home. "Thank sweet baby Jesus.." I mumble to myself as a trudge downstairs.

"Hai mom," Mom turns towards me, looking startled. She grabs her chest, "Jesus, Sam, don't scare me like that!"

"Oops. Sorry mom! Didn't mean to. Anyway, can we order pizza tonight? I'm starving my ass off," I ask her hopefully.

"Alright, sweetie. Don't forget to do your makeup work, okay? You don't want that crap to pile up. Believe me..."

I sigh. "Kay mom."

I trudge back upstairs, go on my computer, and log into my Facebook.

7 new comments.

"Hmm.. I wonder what new hate I have in store for me today..." I say as I roll my eyes.

princessmimi16 commented on your post: "What a fag. Why don't you just kill yourself?"

This is exactly why I have depression. Damn kids.

I keep reading more comments.

ajocknamedjesse commented on your post: "Do you suck cocks for a living? That most explain why your face is always so white."

Well that sucked. I mean, if he really wanted to offend me he could've at least TRIED. And no, I don't suck roosters for a living.

(If you don't know that a cock is also a rooster, you're probably too young to be reading this...)

After about 15 minutes I was done reading most of the comments, but there was one more to be read. "This one most be good.." I mumbled to myself while rolling my eyes.

victoriaTHEqueen commented on your post: "Aww! You look adorable in this picture c: (By the way don't listen to all these fucked up cock sucking bitches. They don't know anything about you)"

I smile and wipe my eyes, they were close to tears.

No ones ever actually told me that I look adorable in something.. Or ANYTHING. Not even my mom...sad I know.

***OKAY SO THATS IT FOR THIS CHAPTER!! I'll be updating tomorrow so keep looking out for the new chapter!! I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far, I know I'm enjoying writing it :) please comment and give me your feedback!! I really appreciate it. (I read all of your comments btw, in case you didn't read my bio)***

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