Chapter 4

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I wake up at 6:15AM to my alarm going off. I moan. I totally forgot that I had school today.

I put on some grey skinny jeans, and a white top. I go into the bathroom, and opening up the mirror. I take some depression pills, then look back at the mirror.

Someone's behind me. Not just anyone, VICTORIA.

I nearly scream, knocking over my toothbrush.

"Uh, hey Victoria?" I say in a questioning voice.

"Hiya. You ready to leave?" She asks.

"Um.. Yeah I guess. I thought you went to private school."

Victoria smiles. "Yeah, but I switched schools just so I could be with you!" She hugs me and then says, "By the way, call me Vicki, not Victoria."


By the time we arrive at school, I'm late for homeroom.

"SHIT! We're late for homeroom," I mutter.

Vicki sighs, "That's alright." She whips her hair in the air and starts walking to class.

How can she be so cool about this? She could possibly get a detention.

It's lunch time now, and I head to the cafeteria alone. All of a sudden Vicki pops up next to me, her brown hair shining in the light. "So, how was your day?" She seems so excited for an answer.

"It was okay, I guess. But really boring.."

"Oh, my day was like that too, I guess," she smiles.

When we get the the cafeteria, everyone stares at us and whispers. I ignore them, and head to my food.

No good food.. I guess I won't be eating today.

"What's wrong Sam? Not feeling well??" She asks

"No, it's just there's no good food, " I reply.


We go home, and I'm feeling kind of irritated. I know that Vicki's being really nice and all, but she keeps talking to me.. And it's really annoying. Why is she following me, anyway?

"Sam, do you ever wonder why the heck we don't have flying cars yet? Or robots that are our slaves? Well, I guess phones could count as robot slaves but whatev-"

I stop walking suddenly, and Vicki bumps into me.

"Listen, I don't really care what you're wondering. Keep it to yourself. It's really annoying; and it's kind of creepy that you're still following me."

"Oh.." She looks down.

"Vicki I'm so-" She cuts me off

"No, no. It's fine. I see. You don't want me to help me, do you? That's alright. It's not like this is the first time this has happened..."

Really? She's doing this? Great. Now I feel guilty.

"I'm sorry, I really am Vicki.."

"No it's fine."

Vicki walks off, and I have to walk home by myself. I think of how humiliated she must be right now.

***That's it for this chapter guys!!! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've been having some trouble with my boyfriend, but that's whatever. It's all worked out now. Anyway, I wrote this on my way to Canada, and the ride was really bumpy, so if there are any spelling errors/parts that don't make sense, that's probably why. BYE LOVIES!!***

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