Just One More Day

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! So I decided to bring back an old story of mine about one of my favorite movies of all time! This will be the first of the trilogy (depends on how this book goes). Hope you enjoy it!


October 25, 1985
Hill Valley, California, USA

Marty's POV:

My skateboard skidded to a stop with the use of my foot as the break, getting off I walked towards Doc and Amelia's house on John F. Kennedy Drive. It was right next door to the Burger King, where my older brother Dave worked.

This house was actually the separate garage of Doc's mansion that burned down a few decades ago after one of his inventions short circuited. At some point in time, the Browns were rich, but Doc used up most of his inheritance on his inventions. He later sold most of his property to developers.

Before we became friends, I'd known about the rumors of Hill Valley's "Mad Scientist", Doc Brown and his daughter, Amelia. I still hate to believe at one point, I'd thought they were real nut jobs, too. That all changed when I became Amy's partner for a science project in our Chemistry class back in 1982.

When we were discussing about the project, I wanted to work on it at her place for two reasons. 1) The situation at my home was pathetic and I would be embarrassed if she met my family. 2) I was curious if the rumors were true, but, also the fact she's smart will be an easy "A" for me.

That day after school, we walked together to her house, the beginning of what would be one of the best things to happen in my life. When we reached the gated house, I learned they'd set it up with traps. They knew what the locals said about them and wanted to give them a piece of their minds.

Amy introduced me to her dog, Einstein, as well as her father, who was excited to meet me. I soon realized that I was the first friend Amelia has ever brought over to their home. And, it made me feel bad that the rumors could do that to someone.

The more I spent time with her the more I found out that we had a lot of things in common. We both like Clint Eastwood films, listening to music from bands like Huey Lewis & The News and Van Halen, and we also wanted to leave Hill Valley for something better.

Amy was a real nice girl. She quickly became my best friend after the science project and I slowly began to fall for her, but when she introduced me to Jennifer Parker at a Junior year party. I got the hint she wasn't into me and started to date Jennifer.

'Still, I can't help myself for being in love with Amy...'

Reaching the door, I peeled the "Entry Welcome" mat from the floor and found the spare key to unlock the front door.

As I walked inside, all I could hear were the countless collection of clocks placed around Doc's desk ticking in unison.

"Hey, Amy? Are you ready to go?" I called out her name, so we can walk to school together, but the only voices I heard was the television set, the radio, and the echo of my voice bouncing back towards me.

"Hello, Amy?...Where is she?"

I looked around to see the stacks of books and papers scattered all over the side where Doc works on his latest gadgets. The rest of the house is spotless, probably from Amelia up keeping the house.

"Wha- aw, god. Aw, Jesus. That's disgusting" I looked down at my shoes, accidentally stepping into a shit pile of wet dog food that overflowed from Einstein's food bowl.

'Looks like Amy hasn't bother with turning off her dad's equipment...' I thought to myself, wondering where she was.

I walked further into the house coming across the giant amplifier the father and daughter duo had finished working on for my upcoming birthday. It's supposed to be a surprise but I already ruined it when I stumbled into their house a week ago.

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