The Next Morning

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HEY EVERPONY DID YOU HAVE A BAD NIGHT. Rainbow Dash shouted out of a megaphone. ugh everpony said angrily that dash woke them so early in the morning. Dash why are you making the little bitches wake up so late I thought we agreed three on the morning. I couldn't get myself out of bed dash replied. Darling it is a bit early rarity said with a yawn. Well I guess honey said a bit more woken up then them.

*Thirty minutes later*

Apple jacks legs burned, but she still struggled. APPLE JACK YOU AGAIN YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT FUCKING BITCH. Apple Jack looked very frightened. *five minutes later* honeys horn lit up and so did raritys. There magic wrapped around her back hooves. And then they did the unthinkable the broke her back legs so much by the end her legs looked like oddly shaped tree branches.

Despite lunas horn being broke off she still tired to light her horn, sparks came out of her horn. NOW WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING rarity shouted. I'm trying to escape whats it look like that just infuriated the trio even more. She was smacked across the face very hard. Oww that hurt. GOOD they all screamed angrily. Apple Jack probably got the quickest death of them all they snapped and crunched her bones until her eyes rolled up.

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