Pre chapter

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Jason's POV

"Luke get another round of shots for the girls!" I yelled across the bar to the guy serving drinks. The girls giggled and crowded around me pressing their chests on me and let me tell you it felt amazing.

It was my 23rd birthday and my friends had taken me out to party and have a good time and I did. Although we went to the same bar we usually went to for some reason I felt like I was having more fun there than I ever had and no it wasn't because I had boobs pressed against me all over my body because that was a given when I went there. Maybe because it was my birthday or maybe because I was super drunk, I don't know but it was nice.

I don't remember my friends trying to tell me I had enough but they had somehow gotten me off the couch away from all the girls. "Hey man I know it's your birthday but this is getting out of hand." Grey had told me as he tried getting me out of the bar. Although I was drunk I was still strong and I punched him in the face to get him off me. He had landed on the floor with his face covered in blood and Danny had come over to see if he was ok. At that point when I saw his face drenched in blood I realized I had done something wrong and ran outside to my truck.

I know now that getting in the truck and driving away in a fit of anger was a bad idea and I should have just stayed at the bar and helped my friend, but no I had to be an idiot and start driving down a pitch black road completely drunk with only the headlights to guide me.

I don't know how far I got and I had just taken my eyes off the road for a second but when I looked back a giant dog had gotten I'm my way. Although I was drunk my first action was to not hit the dog and kill it. I turned the wheel just enough to go around him and hit the brake to slow down but somehow I swerved out of control and tipped the truck over into a hill next to the road that went down a slope. I remember the truck spinning and spinning and when the truck stopped I couldn't feel a thing. My vision was blurry and I felt like I was about to fall asleep when I heard a noise just outside the truck. The noise sounded like footsteps and I began to feel and think that I was going to be saved, that someone saw the crash and came to see if I was alive.

As the noise got closer I called out to it. A minute later the truck door was pride open and a man bent down in front of me. I don't think he ever said a word and the last thing I remember was closing my eyes.

The next thing I knew I was standing next to a coffin with Danny beside it. I tried to ask him what happened if what happened to me was a bad dream from the alcohol but he didn't respond. I looked to the isles and saw all my friends and family sitting down, crying. When i saw Grey his face was bruised to hell and dents lined his jaw. I knew this was a funeral but for whom at the time I didn't t know. I looked back to Danny and walked closer to him. I stopped mid stride when I saw the big picture behind him. The picture was me when I turned 21. I was smiling and had my little sister under my arm. I realized from that point it was my funeral that everyone was at crying.

I couldn't believe it that I had died in the crash. That the man I saw didn't help me and called for help. I got so angry that I started shaking but the thing that got my attention during this was that my family and friends began freaking out saying the entire church was shaking and that they were going to die. I knew I caused the building to shake and tried to stop it. It stopped and I just wanted to leave by that point. I walked to the church doors and just left. But when I walked out of that church something happened to me and I fell to the ground screaming. The light posts around me burst, car windows exploded, and the church's glass murals broke leaving glass everywhere.

I stopped screaming, stood up and looked around wondering what happened. I looked back to the church wondering why I was there. I couldn't remember what happened and all I did know was my name and what I was.


Ok so if you read the description I understand if your asking why Jason new what happened to him and why he remembered everything when he died. If your a smart cookie then you probably figured out that this chapter was just to give you a idea of what happened to him the night he died. I didn't include everything that happened that night so I could explain everything that happened that night when and if I decide to let him get his memory back.

I will also do a pre chapter for Jessie so you know a bit about why she's so smart and everything.

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