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Title: Anniversary Summary: Rachel Berry took her wife to the South of France for their first wedding anniversary

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Title: Anniversary
Summary: Rachel Berry took her wife to the South of France for their first wedding anniversary.


"Quinn... Q..." Rachel Berry sat on the bed beside her sleeping wife, her best friend. It was currently two thirty in the morning and the couple had a flight to catch at six in the morning. "It's time to wake up." Gently, Rachel placed her hand on Quinn's shoulder and shook the blonde's shoulder softly. "We have somewhere to be."

Quinn groaned quietly. She turned her head and faced away from Rachel. She had some drool running down her cheek. Her blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun. Her night shirt and shorts were wrinkled from her wriggling in her sleep. She had managed to kick the thin sheets down to her feet while Rachel had been in the shower.

"Quinn, come on." Rachel said softly, gently shaking the blonde's shoulder again. She was yet to tell Quinn where they were heading to. She wanted it to be a surprise for her wife for their first anniversary as a married couple.

Quinn still refused to open her eyes. She curled her thin fingers around the fluffy pillow and gripped it tightly, mumbling something that Rachel couldn't quite understand. Some of her blonde hair was had fallen out of the bun and lay messily on her back and shoulders, some shorter strands were sticking up at the top of her head.

Sighing, Rachel pulled her hand away from Quinn's shoulder. She stood up and went to the cleaning cupboard. She collected the feather duster and carried it back to their room. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Rachel tickled Quinn's nose with the feather duster.

Quinn jumped awake with a groan and sneezed. "Ugh." She rubbed her eyes and looked up at Rachel. "Why?" She groaned tiredly through a yawn.

"We have somewhere to be." Rachel responded, handing Quinn a velvety soft cream-coloured towel. "Go get a shower. We have a taxi coming in an hour. I'll make sure we have everything we need." She leaned forward and kissed Quinn's softly.

Quinn took the towel. "Thanks." She said, sighing and running her fingers through her hair.

Rachel smiled and got up off the bed. She left the room with an excited smile on her face. She couldn't wait until Quinn found out where they were going. She knew how excited the blonde would be when she found out.

Sighing Quinn stretched out her muscles and yawned. "Ugh." She looked at the clock. "I hate mornings." She grumbled, getting up. She went into the ensuite bathroom and had a quick shower.

When Quinn stepped out of the shower, she wrapped the velvety soft towel around herself and glanced in the mirror, averting her eyes quickly. She sighed heavily, feeling a little more awake than she did before.

Quinn returned to the bedroom and collected her clothes - something comfortable, since she didn't know where they were going, yet presentable - going back into the ensuite bathroom. The blonde girl pulled on her clothes and dropped the towel in the hamper. She brushed her teeth, pulled her hair out of its messy bun and ran a comb through her soft, long, thin locks of blonde hair, and washed her face with a wet cloth before looking at herself in the mirror. "Ugh." She rolled her eyes at her reflection and turned away. 'It's too early for this,' She thought to herself. She left the bathroom.

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