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Quinn was driving along the road towards Rachel's house. Quinn was really nervous. She'd never been this nervous in her entire life, not when she was trying out for Cheerios as a freshman, not when she was competing in her first national competition as Cheerios captain, not even when she found out she was pregnant last year. No! These kinds of nerves were completely different.

Quinn was meeting Rachel's fathers for the first time ever which explained why she was so nervous. She thought about what Rachel's fathers say when they found out she got pregnant at such a young age. They'd probably hate her and ban her from seeing their daughter ever again. Quinn shook her head, removing this thought from her mind. She didn't want to meet Rachel's fathers with negative thoughts running through her mind.

Quinn's phone kept beeping furiously with texts from Rachel, who was beginning to get impatient with Quinn, after all Quinn was five minutes late. It wasn't Quinn's fault she was late, it was the traffic. Quinn had left her house ten minutes earlier than she usually would to go to Rachel's house so that she wouldn't be late, but she didn't plan on there being a crash on the road she planned to take to get to Rachel's house.

Quinn had decided to apologise at least a million times to Rachel and her fathers for being late and making them wait on her to eat their dinner. She decided she'd explain what happened and hope that they would understand.

Quinn ignored the constant beeping of her phone and focused on the road ahead of her. She glanced at her phone a few times but never made a move to pick it up and reply to Rachel.

Quinn turned the car onto a deserted dirt road and pressed the accelerator peddle down harder causing the car to speed up a bit so she could get to Rachel's house quicker.

Quinn didn't want to be any later to Rachel's house than she had to be. She didn't want Rachel's dads to think badly of her just because she was late to meet them for the first time.

Eventually Quinn had to slow down. She had come across a tractor on her trip to Rachel's house. Deciding she was going slow enough, Quinn reached for her phone on the passenger seat and picked it up. She unlocked it and read all Rachel's missed messages, glancing up at the road occasionally to make sure she wasn't too close to the tractor in front of her.

Quinn took a deep breath and turned her attention back onto the phone in her hand. She began typing a message to Rachel with her left hand, her right hand gripped onto the steering wheel as the car crawled along the road behind the tractor.

Quinn had barely typed the first three words into the phone when she heard a car horn. She looked up from the phone and out of the passenger side window. A car was driving towards her at full speed, unable to stop.

Quinn didn't have time to react, it all happened too fast - the car had crashed into the side of her car.

Quinn felt a sharp pain in her lower back. She cried out in pain as she was crushed between the car door and the front of the car that had crashed into her. The sharp pain continued to pulsate through her back as black dots began to cloud her vision.

Quinn felt blood running down the side of her face. A sharp metal object dug into her side, cutting her. She felt the blood trickle down her side. She tried to wiggle her arm free to wipe away the blood on her face but she was unsuccessful.

Quinn felt herself growing weaker and weaker with each passing moment, loosing more and more blood. Her vision became blurred with tears of pain. Ringing filled Quinn's ears but she could still hear what was going on around her.

Quinn heard police sirens in the distance, getting closer and closer with every passing second. They grew fainter as Quinn slipped in and out of consciousness. Her legs began to feel tingly before she lost all feeling in them.

Quinn's eyes began to feel tired, her eyelids feeling heavy. She fought to keep them open but was unsuccessful. She rested her head back against the headrest.

Quinn's phone beeped. It was another impatient text from Rachel. However, Quinn couldn't reply, her subconscious was slowly taking control.

Quinn heard the police sirens. They were so close. If the police men didn't hurry up they might not get to Quinn before she passed out. The sirens grew closer and closer until eventually they were right beside the two crashed cars.

Quinn heard the police car doors close. The sound of feet running was very faint as she began to lose the battle with her consciousness. She grew weaker from the amount of blood she was loosing. The pain in her side was making it harder to breathe. Tears ran down Quinn's cheeks, slipping out of her closed eyes.

"That's him! That's the drunk driver!" A male police officer yelled to his team. "Jason! Call an ambulance! Michelle! Try to get that girl out of that car!"

The sound of a woman struggling to open her car door was the last thing Quinn heard before her subconscious took over and everything went black.

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