Austin's other side

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(Autumn's POV)

"Is everyone ok" I said looking around at everyone.

"Yeah but Austin is out cold" Jason said.

"Ok we need to find a way out of this place. Jason and James you carry Austin" I said.

"Do I have to" James said annoyed.

"Yes you do or you can stay right here by yourself" I said.

"Ok I'll carry Austin" James said still annoyed.

I smiled. "We need to find some light let's start looking around" I said.

(Austin's POV)

I woke up in the same place when I got knocked out by Michael but this time I found a picture of someone. I couldn't see there face but they had brown hair like my mom and she was wearing red. She looked familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"When you see her you will know who she is" the voice said.

"WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHO IS HER" I said demanding to know answers.

Suddenly I woke up.

"Ugh" I said still half unconscious.

"GUYS AUSTIN IS WAKING UP" Jason said yelled.

(Autumn's POV)

"Lay him down on the floor" I said. "Did anyone find a flashlight"

"I did and it still works" Alexa said running over to us.

"Austin are you ok Austin" I said.

"Ugh my head where am I what happened" Austin said.

He sat up and looked at us.

"Austin do you remember anything that happened do you even remember us Michael" I said with a worried look.

"Of course how can I forget" Austin said standing up.

He was looking down trying not to cry.

"Austin are you o-" I said before was interrupted me.

"I'm fine" Austin said still looking down. "Let's just fine a way out"

(Austin's POV)

I couldn't help but cry but also something in the back of my mind is saying I should have kill Michael.

We started walking and I was behind as usual. I finally look up and looked beside me and I saw I wasn't alone. Right beside me was Autumn. I couldn't help but smile a little.

"There's the smile I missed" Autumn said looking at me. "Look Austin I'm so sorry I didn't know bring up Michael would hur-" she said before I quickly interrupted her.

"It wasn't because of Michael it's what you guys fear me of" I said looking back down.

"Austin I don't f-" she said before I quickly interrupted her again.


I was starting to lose control but I felt like someone else was in control and I grabbed Autumn by the wrist and started laughing.

"Austin stop this isn't you" Autumn said.

"You humans just don't get it. Let me make it simple you get in my way you get killed" I said while grabbing Autumn's wrist tighter and tighter.

Jason came running and hit me with the flashlight making me losing my grip from Autumn and fall on the ground.

"What the hell Austin" Jason said.

I stood up and started laughing and pinned Jason to the floor.

"AUSTIN LET ME GO" Jason said kicking his feet.

"If you stop moving it will be all over soon" I said grabbing the flashlight and started hitting Jason with it.

"AUSTIN" Autumn said running from behind James.

She came and gave me a kiss. I felt like I was in control. I dropped the flashlight and looked around. Alexa and Lilly was behind Luke and crying. Autumn was behind James before she ran over to me. I stood up and looked Jason. I started to back up and I look down at my clothes. They have blood on them. I started to tear up and I ran into the darkness. Autumn was about to run after me when I heard her foot steps stopped.

Soon I came to a wall and I stopped I sat down buried my face in my knees and cried. Knowing I hurt my friends and her I couldn't live with myself.

"That was a great performance even the one you love most dearly hurt" a male's voice said.

I pinned him to the wall and grabbed him by the neck. He had black hair but he had a red strip of his hair dyed and he had red clothes. He looked like me besides having everything red I have everything green and when I don't have blood on me.

"WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DO YOU KNOW HER" I said demanding to know.

"Watch you temper Austin" he said.

I lost my grip and stepped back.

"How d-do you know m-my name" I asked the man.

He laughed. "Well little Austin I am one of your sides that makes you how you are today" he said.

"So what are you responsible for" I said.

"Making sure you're insane" he replied laughing.


I was about to pin him to the wall when I froze in place. He laughed even harder.

"Why can't I move" I asked in anger.

"Liked I said Austin watch your temper because at any moment of time I could do this or take control and have fun with your friends like we did with Jason" he said smiling.

"That wasn't fun" I said grinding my teeth.

"You know somewhere in the back of your mind that was fun" he said. "You need to learn how to control your temper or your going to be seeing a lot of me. I can come out when your mad, sad or anything negative emotions. I'll take it easy on you for now but when you learn how to control your temper don't expect me to go so easy on you."

I fell to the ground and looked up at him.

"My name is Max now let's go find your friends" he said before walking off.

I was scared of what my friends would think of me now.

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