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(Autumn's POV)

I was about to run after Austin when James grabbed my hand.

"Autumn I don't go after him" he said.

"But his my friend" I said while my eyes started to tear up.

"But he could of killed you if we weren't there" he replied.

I started crying and he pulled me in and let me cry in his shirt. He put fingers down my hair and all we could hear was the echo of my cry. I would have been screaming if James didn't let me cry in his shirt.

"You guys help Jason I'll calm down Autumn" he said.

"Ok" everyone replied.

While my friends were helping Jason James tried to calm me down. He was asking me about my relationship with Austin how we met and how much does he mean to me.

"Before he went crazy what were you guys talking about" he said.

"Well he finally looked up and looked beside him and saw me and smiled. I told him sorry for bring up Michael and he said it wasn't Michael that hurt him. It was" I paused for a second. "It was what we fear him. I was about to tell him I wasn't scared of him but he said he knew I was scary and he could see it in my eyes" I paused again. "I looked into his eyes I know it wasn't him he had this look in his eyes that wasn't sane."

I started to cry again and James hugged me.

"It's ok breathe" he said while patting me on the back.

We all stayed in the same spot before we started moving again.

(Austin's POV)

Max and I were walking in a random direction somehow Max knew where they where it was kinda creepy. As soon as we found walking Max pushed me into Autumn and I grabbed her before she could fall and she hugged me and began to cry.

"Your ok don't ever run off like that" she said looking up at me.

I smiled and hugged her back.

"I have never seen a short potato cry before" I said laughing.


"Your right your a hot potato" I said still laughing.


The others looked back and laughed.

"Than why are you mad" I said getting down to her level.

She had her arms crossed looking away from me and I laughed. Than I saw Max and I remembered that my friends didn't know him so I grabbed Max's hand and brought him over.

"Guys this is Max. Max this is Autumn, Alexa, Lilly, James, Luke, and Jason" I said.

They all was looking around but didn't see him.

"I think your going crazy Austin" James said.

"I'm not crazy James" I said calmly.

"Really than how come you almost killed Autumn and Jason" James said with a smirk.

"James don't get me mad" I said.

"If you get mad it is proving my point" James said still smirking.

"James drop it" Luke said.

"But" he said with a sad look.

"Drop it" Autumn said.

I looked at Max.

"Max why can't they see you" I asked him.

"I be seen when I want to be seen" he replied.

"Thanks Max now I'm everyone knows I'm crazy" I said sarcastically

"That's what I'm here for" he said grinning.

"I WAS BEING SARCASTIC" I said angrily.

"Temper" he said.

"I DON'T CARE" I replied.

I growled he looked at him than I heard ring and the last thing I remembered before I blacked out was Max saying sweet dreams.

(Autumn's POV)

Austin fell on the ground and than this guy appeared and he started laughing. He looked like Austin but instead of green he had red.


"Well I'm Max one of sides that makes him what he is today. I did nothing to him I told him to watch his temper but he didn't listen" he said while laughing.

Max keep looking at me while we asked him questions. Soon enough Austin woke up. He sat up and looked at Max. Sat next to him and he was growling a little so I nudge him and he stopped.

"Hello sleepy head" Max said.

"Max can we talk in private" Austin said.

"Austin let me come with you" I said even though I was going to follow him anyway.

"No I just want to talk to Max in private" he said.

(Austin's POV)

Autumn was sad I said no but I need to know what Max was up too. Me and Max walk a little until we were far enough from the ground and I push Max to the ground.


"Watch your temper Austin" he said with a smirk.

I laughed. "Why don't you make me" I said with a smile.

"I can hurt the only person you care about" he said have a knife out.

"You wouldn't dare" I said giving him the death stare.

"Try me" he said smiling.

"I can just tell everyone what your going to do" I said with a grin.

"They are just going to think your crazy" he said.


He laughed and grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer to his face.

"You know I can take control of you right now" he said.

I growled.

"You know your girlfriend is here" he said looking behind me.

I blushed. "We are just friends."

"Than why are you blushing" he said with a smirk.

"Ummm so where is Autumn again" I said looking around.

"Don't change nevermind she is right behind you" Max said

He let's go of me and walks into the darkness and came back with Autumn and he had a knife to her throat.

"LET HER GO" I said stepping closer.

"Not any closer or she dies" he said smiling.

"YOUR INSANE" Autumn said.

"SHUT UP I SUGGEST YOU DON'T TALK YOUR LIFE IS ON THE LINE" Max said putting the knife closer to her throat.

"LET HER GO" I said growling.

"Watch that temper of yours or I'll make you kill her yourself" He said laughing.

We both went quite.

"Good. Now you are going to listen to me" he said.

"Is this some kind of sick game to you" I said.

"Yes it is and I'm going to make sure I have fun" he said laughing.

Captured and Tortured:In the BasementWhere stories live. Discover now