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I lay stiff; I could still feel the throwing knives pierce my thigh and forearm where stitches and gauze now covered them. I was running away again, but this time it wasn't from the responsibilities of fatherhood. No, now I was escaping the agency and its assassins it sent to murder me.

In a few hours I'd be able to move a little. For now, this darling blessing of a girl fed me chocolate mousse and crème brulee via a silver spoon. She purposefully missed my lip to find an excuse to kiss away the sugar.

Although the wounds hurt, I knew we were safe up here. The clouds and the storms protected us. And because my ex-colleagues hadn't killed me while I slept under Brooke's worried watch in a patient bed in Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, California, I had the feeling the agency had no clue where I was; and that feeling was sublime.

I almost died back there, at Brooke's house. My ex-colleague almost knifed me to death. And if it wasn't for a random streak of luck, I would surely be even higher above the clouds. I was ashamed at the skill I've lost. Leaving the agency five years ago erased from muscle memory all me lifelong practice at combat and so much more. If Mr. Golem had seen me cry and plead for Buba to spare my life after I'd fallen down the stairs, he would certainly shake his head at me in disappointment. And that's what hurt the most:

Knowing I wasn't good enough to return to the world of espionage. 

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