Chapter 1- Alexander Hamilton

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A/N: Here we go: My first actual fanfic
Fingers crossed that it'll be okay

June, 2029
*???'s PoV*

I flip on the light switch and let my eyes wander around my childhood room, letting the not-all-good-feelings and nostalgia hit me for a few minutes. Once I've adjusted, I walk across the long-left untouched carpet and sit at my old desk, opening up my old laptop, which sends a small cloud of dust into the air, and causing me to cough a little before turning the laptop on for the first time since I left it here all those years ago.

After it starts up, I instinctively click on the folder in the top right corner of my desktop, marked "School," and select the seventh file down, which leads to a link to a website I haven't looked at since leaving that warzone of a school.

I scroll through the entries on the blog, looking for that certain date to read up on what I missed when I left. Seeing the many posts after that one, I decide to scroll back up to the first entry and start again to refresh my memory.

The Blog of Alexander the Great Ham

June, 2015, Freshman Year

Hi. If you didn't read in the bio and/or title of the blog, "Alexander Hamilton's Blog," although I may shorten the title later, my name is Alexander Hamilton, and this is my blog. I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to write here, but I'm certain that no matter how much I write I will still never be satisfied with how little of what I want to say is written.
I suppose I should start with more about myself, as I've been told few people check the bio first before reading. I've also been told that not as many people have blogs anymore, but I refuse to believe it. I've seen plenty, and I'm convinced those people just do not know where to look. Now, a little about me. I don't like talking about my past, but I will write it here so it is recorded along with my future.
I was born out of wedlock in a small town on a small island in the Caribbean. My father didn't care much for me, so I had to learn what little I could from my mother and teach myself everything else that I could. I was unsatisfied with my life on the small island. Then came the hurricane. It destroyed everything, yet I couldn't seem to die. It pains me to think about it, however, so that subject will be brief and should never be mentioned again.
Now, on that small island, I felt as if there could be no good future for me, so I wrote about my troubles in a journal I owned. My neighbors discovered my writing talents somehow and kindly pitched in with many others to raise just enough money to send me to the mainland. With my mother deceased, my father having abandoned us long before, my cousin having committed suicide, for why I will never know, and my brother having left me alone, I had no one to miss when I finally set out to get to where I am now, New York.
In short, I am a homeschooled and self-learned immigrant integrating into the "public school system" for "high school." I hope my chosen path will not disappoint me.
-A. Ham

I smile as I read the formality of his first blog. How haven't I noticed how much his writing style has become more actually readable? I move on to the next blog, eager to revisit the other many stories on the page and enjoy the ones I missed...

A/N I promise the other chapters won't have long backstories that you probably could already assume happened in them

The Blog of Alexander the Great Ham [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now