Chapter 2- Aaron Burr, Sir

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A/N Let's hope this one's more exciting
And also the chapters won't be the actual blog, they'll just be major events that the blog was written about (but it will have a sentence from the blog, split into two parts, if that makes any sense??)

July, 2015, Freshman Year

To get places in this world, you have to make as many connections as possible...

*Alex's PoV*

Okay, Alex. It's been a month since I've moved here and I need to meet people and make- er, friends- so that I know people, so that I have connections for the future. I walk along the street, thinking thoughts to myself. I hate that words always sound so dumb in my head but love that they can be fixed if they're written down.

As I'm thinking of some non-productive and therefore useless thoughts, I bump into someone and almost knock them over. "Oh! Pardon me, I wasn't watching where I was going!" I say, stopping to make sure I didn't injure the person.

"That's alright, now, just why are you in such a hurry?" He replies. I tell him that I was trying to find an ideal place for meeting people.

"Well, there's a coffee shop just right here. I was actually just about to go in, if you'd like to join me." He seems nice, I guess. Then I remember I don't even know his name.

"Oh, um, pardon me, what's your name, sir?"

"That depends, who's asking?"

I waited for a moment before realizing he was asking for my name. "Oh, Alexander Hamilton, sir."

"I'm Aaron Burr. And you don't have to call me sir, I'm only a freshman in high school."

"You can't be serious! That would mean we're the same age!" I was fully convinced up until now by his composure and features that he was much older than that.

"Oh, I'm always serious. Shall we go inside?" He opens the door and holds it. I watch him curiously and enter through the open door.

Immediately, I'm hit with the best scent I've ever smelled: coffee. I hurry up to the counter and order myself plain, black coffee. Anything to keep me up another five hours, considering I haven't slept the past five nights, being busy with studying and summer work. As I wait for Aaron to order, I look around the coffee shop, and my eyes land on a group of three teenagers who are having way too much fun for being in a little coffee shop.

I go over to them with Aaron close behind. They see him first, and the one with a beanie comments on how he hasn't seen him since school ended. Aaron responds asking how that's possible since he comes to the same coffee shop every day. Another says, with a French accent, "Well, we do not come to the same coffee shop every day, mon ami." He laughs and the others laugh as well, but I don't really see what's so funny. I think I missed something, and I grunt in frustration, resulting in the three looking over at me curiously.

"Who are you?" The French one asks, before the beanie guy asks the same question pointlessly. I say pointlessly because asking a question once is enough to get me to answer. However, I was, suddenly, for once, at a loss for words, when I caught the eye of the third one with curly hair brought up into a messy bun.

Now, I am never at a loss for words. But this boy here is so breathtakingly beautiful, I can't process what the question "Who are you?" even means. So, instead of answering, I just creepily stare at this boy I've never met with the most emotion-filled eyes I think I have ever looked at anyone or anything with. He says something, and I blink slowly, before realizing that he's waiting for me to respond. "Uh, sorry, what was that..?"

"Who are you?"

I snap out of the trance he put me in and look over at the other two. "I'm Alexander Hamilton."

"My name's Hercules Mulligan. You can call me Herc. And you can call him Laf."

"Je m'appelle Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette." The French boy says.

"Call him Laf." Herc says again, decisively before laughing. Laf joins him before I find myself laughing, too.

That is until I hear the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I turn my head and stop laughing to hear the sound more clearly and see the curly-haired, freckled boy laughing along with the other two. It's the most adorable thing I think I've ever seen. How is that possible? It's just a boy laughing. But even so, I can't stop watching him as he laughs and then looks at me and says, smiling, with a trace of laughter still in his voice, "I'm John Laurens."

...but I can now easily say that real friends are better than connections.

-A. Ham

A/N Not sure if that was good or not but I created Lams I think
And the sentence above signed with A. Ham is a continuation of the first sentence at the beginning

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