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Loki let out a scream as her legs thrashed about under her, looking up at the terrifying creature that was soring higher every second. She looked back to the boat to see James lowering his Gun, understanding he could hit her if he took the shot. She was choking slightly though, the creature only having hold of the collar of her shirt. Looking down, she screamed a profanity before tearing her shirt open and raising her hands above her head, allowing herself to fall from the shirt, her arms sliding from the sleeves.

"Loki!" James screamed as he watched her begin to fall 100 feet, limbs flailing and when she was about 10 feet from the surface, she forced her legs together and crossed her arms over her chest, slipping into the water with a pencil dive. After a moment, she surfaced, slapping the water rapidly. "Shit!" He screamed, setting the gun down.

"She can't swim!" Houston screamed and James began ripping his boots off and pulling his holsters from his shoulders.

"Meet me over there!" James shouted before taking a running start and swan diving from the boat. He began swimming abnormally fast, pulling himself through the water towards the woman. She did her best to stay afloat and when he finally reached her, she had only just slipped under the surface. He grabbed her wrist pulling her up and as her head burst from the water, she began coughing wildly. "Come here," James instructed, pulling her to him and slightly bringing his legs up so he was almost floating on his back. He made her press her back against his chest so she was floating as he was, crossing his arm over her chest and she grabbed his arm with both hands. "I've got you," he whispered, feeling her heart against his arm. "Relax, just float."

Loki did her best to do so, James lightly kicking to keep them both up and using his other arm to point them in the direction of the oncoming boat. Slivko stood at the edge, diving in as he got closer and the two men brought her to the boat. Houston stood at the edge as Hank steered the boat. "Keep her steady!" James shouted to Hank.

Houston reached down for her, clasping her hand in his and he tried to pull her up but she slid from his grip. "She's too slippery," He Explained.

James looked at the boat and grunted. "Slivko, keep her up," He order and Slivko grabbed her, holding her above the water. Loki looked as James propelled himself from the water, grabbing onto the boat's edge with both hands. His arms began to bend as he pulled himself up and she licked her lip slightly at the sight of his muscles. He pulled himself over the edge with ease and leaned back over, waving his arms to summon them.

Loki neared the edge and Slivko took her foot in hand, allowing her to straighten her leg to raise her up to grab onto James's arm. He pulled her up and as she got closer to being on board, he started to lean back, grabbing blindly with his other hand. He grunted as he got her over the edge and fell backwards, still firmly holding her as she toppled on top of him, legs on either side of his waist and head on his chest. She released his arm and he brought it behind her back. It was then he understood where his other hand was. He had grabbed her ass, not just like a cheek, but hand far enough down and in the middle that his fingers were grazing her inner thigh. He ripped his hand from it's spot and stared at the sky with wide eyes.

"I am so sorry," he said slowly and quietly.

Loki gulped, still breathing heavily as she sat up, putting all her weight on his hips. "I'll allow it this time," she said as she heard a body hit the deck behind her.

"That's why you two didn't try and help me?" Slivko asked loudly. "Thank him with sexual acts later! That was fucking hard!" Loki let out a laugh, leaning her head back before she rolled off James, landing on her back beside him as the sun began beating down on her face.

Save One ~James ConradWhere stories live. Discover now