Mass Grave

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Through the afternoon, Loki walked with the large group, staying close to San and Houston. They walked along the grass lands of the island, almost in a line as they moved up hills and down into valleys. Moving with her head down, she somehow ended up beside James once again. She went to step but he grabbed her elbow, causing her to stop in her tracks and look up at him. He had a hard expression, looking in front of them and she finally followed his gaze, her look of confusion morphing to one of shock. All around them were large bones, resembling a rib cage. James's hand remained on her elbow as he began walking again, pulling her with him.

They moved through the grave yard, heading towards the top of another hill. When they reached the ridge, looking out over a valley filled with Green fog floating through the air.. In the fog, large skeletons could be seen, poking up here and there. "Yeah, you smell that?" Hank asked loudly. "That's death."

"What the hell is this place?" Slivko asked, standing at Loki's left side.

Loki brought the camera, snapping a photo as she waited for Marlow's response. "This is what's left of Kong's parents," Hank said.

"It's a mass grave," Loki said loudly. "I've seen many on my expeditions... animals leaving packs, so they don't slow the group down... all heading to the same place to die."

Packard cleared his throat slightly, making Loki look down towards him. "the crash site's just on the other side of this valley," he explained. "We'll cross through and make it to the highest point west."

"Uh-uh," Hank protested, shaking his head at the man. "This place is a real no-no, sir."

A Landsat worker by the name of Steve spoke up next. "We need to go to the Northside right now."

"And you're welcome to do that, my man," Packard said, looking towards the man. "By yourself. I'm not leaving Jack out there. Now, who's with me?"

Loki, as well as everyone else did not respond but she felt James move closer to her on her right, his knuckles skimming hers as he gently rubbed his thumb on her wrist. "We can make it," he said, causing Loki to pull from his touch and look at him.

"You're mighty right, we can make it," Packard agreed. "Now stay sharp. Keep an eye out."

Loki looked at the side of James's face with a hard glare. "I've only been her 28 years," Hank whispered as Packard and some men started down the hillside. "What do I know?" He asked, starting walking down after them.

"You are to stay close to me, understand?" James asked, not even looking at the woman beside him. They were now about 10 feet behind the group, Loki looking up at James in confusion. "You don't have to like it, just trust me."

They had all reached the lowest part in the valley, stepping over bones and Loki was beginning to feel light headed from the green fumes around her. James walked ahead of her, gun ready as she stayed about a foot behind him, eyeing her surroundings as much as he was. Loki looked very at Bill Randa as he began snapping photos of the jaw resting on the dirt. James had instructed Loki to stay put for a moment and she didn't bother trying to fight with him. Instead, she knelt, opening her backpack to find her camera. She pulled out something long and thin first, not recognizing the object but when she pulled it out, her eyes fell onto the lighter James had let her borrow and she sighed, stuffing it in her pocket before rummaging through her bag again. She lifted the camera out and decided it was time for a new roll of film.

She pulled out a little case and opened the back of her camera, very carefully beginning to take out the black roll and strategically switching it into the container her new roll was previously in. She took a few test shots, knowing if she didn't she could possibly miss amazing images on the blanks. The sound of an explosion made Loki look over her shoulder, seeing flames bursting through the air, two soldiers diving to not be hit by them.

Save One ~James ConradWhere stories live. Discover now