Chapter 3

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*Hey guys, something happened and it made the chapters out of order, this is chapter 3. If you just read chapter 1, please read chapter 2 (it might be after this one) and then come back and read this one. Thanks!*

Hey everyone! This chapter goes out to @Murmeyd who is sitting here FaceTiming with as I write this!

It also goes out to @AlliyahAzlan who has given me a lot of positive comments!

And @mrssophiesencenkotlc for adding me The New Girl to their reading list!

I love comments guys!

I can't believe the first chapter already has over 30 views!!!


Sophie's POV

I was really happy Keefe invited me to walk with him and his friends. Well, more like friend, Biana didn't seem to appreciate my presence. Fitz and him were both really sweet, but it seemed like there was an unspoken argument going on. I decided it was best not to pry.

"Hey Sophie!" I was dragged out of my thoughts by Keefe. "I'm not sure calling you Sophie is gonna work. What's your full name?"

"Sophie Not-Telling-You-My-Middle-Name Foster." As much as I enjoyed Keefe, I was not going to tell him my middle name and risk a nickname that I didn't see going away.

"You're no fun, although Foster will work!" Based on his smug grin I knew that he was serious. That nickname isn't going away anytime soon.

The rest of the walk was just simple getting to know each other stuff. I told them about how I'd moved from California and that my parents had passed away. I didn't really explain how, but they knew they were gone. I'd learned we were all in the same level, because that's what they called grade levels here, but before they had the opportunity to tell me their classes we'd arived at the school.

"Foster," I laughed at the nickname, "you should sit with us at lunch." Before I could respond he cut me off. "But only if you think you can handle the great Keefster! I understand if you think you cant take it." I found myself once again laughing which caused Keefe to grow an even more proud grin on his face.

"Ignore him." Fitz didn't seem to find Keefe's joke as funny. "Any of us can take down Keefe, so please, join us at lunch."

"Ugh, you sound so proper." Keefe retorted. "And you think you can take me down? Look at these muscles." He began flexing his rather impressive muscles, catching the attention of many nearby girls.

Fitz started flexing too, as if challenge him to a duel. 123456789 it's the 10 duel commandments. No, stop, not the time head!

I inturupted them before any girls had the opportunity to faint, which many looked like they were on the brink of doing. "As exciting as your muscle-off may be, one of you needs to point me in the direction of the office so I can get my schedule."

After calming down the both offered to walk me there, upsetting the other in the process.

"I don't need 2 escorts and you both have classes, I'll ask someone else for help. Hopefully I'll see you guys before lunch." Before either of them had the chance to object, a blonde girl walked up to me.

"Fitz, Keefe, get to band. Tell Mr. Forkle I'm escorting a new girl to the office." She turned to me. "Hi, I'm Marella!" She turned back to Sophie and Keefe. "Stop drooling over the new girl." Ha, like they could like me. "Class, now." She was pointing down the hallway for dramatic effect.

Knowing it was of no use objecting, the both hurried off to class. "Back to what I was saying, hi, I'm Marella."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sophie."

"Well Sophie, how'd you catch the attention of the two coolest boys?" Her eyebrows were raised, waiting for me to tell the story.

"Um... Well...."

"Listen, we have a schedule to get lets talk and walk." She leaned in whispering very loudly, "Plus, there are to many people here." With that she stormed off down the hall.

I told her about moving here, and about them being my neighbors. When I mentioned Biana she rolled her eyes. "What's the deal with Biana?"

"She is one of the most popular girls in school. I mean, she's not as bad as Stina but she doesn't like competition. She's not weak either. She plays Tuba in band just so she can prove she can handle it, although as soon as she realized Tuba doesn't get melody she started complaining. The only real reason she still plays it is so she is near Keefe."

"Oh. Are her and Keefe dating?" I couldn't help but ask it was just because I was trying to get to know my friends. Definitely not for any other reason.

"Why do you want to know?" She had a huge smirk on her face clearly wondering if I liked Keefe.

"Just wondering."

"Oh really because that blush says otherwise."

"I'm serious, just answer the question."

"Fine. No they aren't. It is very clearly a one sided crush." I sighed happily, I mean I'm only happy because she answered my question. Not for any other reason.

Sensing it wasn't a good topic at the moment she changed the subject. "so what level are you in?"

"I'm a junior, seeing as how you take a class with Fitz and Keefe I'm assuming you are too."

"Yep, and here we are." I turned my attention to the office she was pointing at.

We walked inside. "Hi, I'm Sophie Foster, the new student. I need my schedule please."

She looked up for a moment then grabbed what I assumed to be my schedule then spoke. "You two are both late so I'd get going if I were you. Here are two late slips." She handed us each a slip of paper. I looked down to see band was my first class, thankfully, I'd brought my Alto Saxophone to school when I registered so it was already in my band locker.

Marella looked down at my schedule. "Cool, you have band too, let's get going." With that we rushed down the halls.


Hey Guys, I was wondering how often I should update the story. Thoughts?

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