Prologue Scene 1

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Prologue Scene 1

A shower of claps was heard over the horizontal, I smiled bright. And turn my head to Rosita.

"Was it okay?" I asked a little worried as the red curtain fall to the wooden floor.

"You were amazingly Fèlicie." As she look up from me to the growd behind me with a huge smile. "Go, your friends are waiting." She told and I saw Odette and Mèrante hugging, while Victor stood there wiping his eyes.

I ran of the stage to his arms. "What? You are crying?" I asked as she smiled "You were fantastic." He told and kissed my cheek. I saw over his shoulders Odette, who had a huge smile on her face. I ran to her, my mentor.

"Odette!" I yelled and run into her warm caring arms, with a huge smile we both hugged each, I opened my eyes to see a smiling Mèrante looking at me, I smiled back at him.

After the dance, Victor and I had a little time together and yes, I am in love with him. I kissed him before the dance. After I danced, we both went out for a fun. I only gaved Odette a kissed and a hug and just went even Mèrante haven't congratulated me, I ran to qiuckly, I just smiled at him and said "Thank you." And off I went. Last night, I went with my dress to the date on the tower.

Yet, when I kissed Odette, she was even more shocked, like she never expected it. Yet, how could she, I surprised her and I love her. And something about last night stirred me, the way Mèrante looked at Odette. It's like they knew each for years? I fought he had a soft spot for her, but this sounded far more in the past.

Since we are staying at the Opera house along with Mèrante in his apartment, he had an attic as well, and there is were Odette and I are staying.

The next early morning, I couldn't sleep. I decided to stand up yet, the floor is so cracky. Once I tooked a small step Odette turn to me.

"Fèlicie? You okay?" She asked me gentley.

"I'm sorry did I wake you?"

"I can't sleep." She told and I looked down

"Me neither."

"Come here." She told and noticed I needed comfort, she opened her blanket for me to climb in, and I slowly went to her. Slowly I layed down as she threw her warm arms around me. We cuddled together.

"Odette?" I asked shyly

"Yes, Fèlicie?"

"How do you know Mèrante?"

"It's obvious isn't it?" She asked as I looked down.

"Sort of."

"Fèlicie, he was my geographer, like he trained you he did to me. He helped me to be a prima Balerina, we had... a strong bond."

"And?" I asked seeing Odette blushed.

"And then it turn out to be a couple dance and he choosed me to dance with him..." as I cut her of

Odette Pov

"You both fell in love, didn't you?" She asked and I nodded

"What happened?" She asked looking at me.

"Everything was going great, we were a couple for about 2 years until he asked me..."

"Asked?" She asked curiously, I just looked away and she realised what I meant. 

"Fèlicie, he was in love with me and I was with him."

"So?" She asked with her happy expression

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