Prologue Scene 2

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Prologue Scene 2

When I arrived at the door to Victor work, I saw pedals everywhere. Suddenly there was Victor along with Maddie holding a violin.

"Play!" Victor screamed and Maddie played, then I think my ears went death.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Victor commanded

"I fought you said, you are getting better." Victor asked and I laughed

"I didn't say that!" Maddie explained

"Maddie privacy!" Victor yelled as he nodded taking his violin.

"Fèlicie, I did this. I hope you like it." He asked and rubbed his hand across his hair. Has he always look this cute, even smelled this great.

Fèlicie, you are getting hormones right now. I fought and slapped my forehead. "You okay?" He asked as I nodded blushing

"A fly, haha." I lied as he opened a chair at the table, and I went. As soon as I sit down, he kissed my cheek. Suddenly, I realised he is also nervous, want to know why. He felled over his own chair.

"Victor!" I screamed and stood up helping him.

"Sorry." He yelled embarrassed

"It's okay." As I took his hair out his face. Then I met his eyes.

"Is this love?" I asked as he looked confused then understood

"I know right." He told as we both laughed.


Victor walked me back, as soon as we reached Mèrante door. We stopped. He kissed my cheek. "Sorry about the candle." He told as I rolled my eyes.

We both smiled at each, as we said our goodbyes, I walked in too see the shock of my live. Odette and Mèrante was kissing right infront of me, suddenly I didn't noticed the door jumped closed and imidatley they stopped and turn to me.

"Fèlicie!" Both yelled startled

"Um... hey." I pronounce shyly.

"How was Victor?" Mèrante asked wanting their thing to be out of the speech.

"Great, we had a date, he felled over his chair, we kissed, he burned me with a candlestick." I told smiling seeing the flashbacks

"What!" Odette yelled "Where did he burned you?" She asked coming to me, like a protective mother.

As I showed her my red nose. "Are you okay?" Mèrante asked slowly 

"Yeah, luckily Maddie had cream." I laughed as Odette pulled me in a hug.

"I fought, I told you to be safe."

"I was, just this." I replied as she rolled her eyes and gave me a warm smile.

"So, with you two?" I asked giving a wink and shoot my fingers, both stared at me and at each, as Mèrante speak up.

"Um...Will you mind, by staying with Victor for a little longer tonight. I want to take Odette out." He replied as I look at Odette, wow they moved fast. She was even more shocked.

"I can't!" Odette replied slowly looking at me

"Go!" I replied smiling, I knew they have to talk.  Look what Victor and I went trough.

"She is right!" Mèrante said smirking and winking at me.

"Felicie almost got hurt." She replied as I laughed.

"Nahh, he is sorry and will be careful." I replied shyly as she turn to me with a "I don't want to go!" Expression.

"Go, please. You'll never know." I told smirking as she sigh giving in.

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